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I come to you today with yet another one-shot (shocking, I know). Decided to switch up the POV a little bit here, and I really enjoyed how it turned out! Writing Alya was so much fun. -Colorado


Alya fidgeted with her camera for what seemed to be the millionth time. She needed this to be nothing but perfection. She couldn't afford any errors, including messed-up camera angles. What would Ladybug and Chat Noir think of her then?

She still didn't quite believe that this was happening. Her idols, her heroes, had been the ones to approach her this time! They said they had important news to share with Paris and they wanted Alya to be the one to share it. Every time she thought about it, she wanted to squeal. Thousands of possibilities ran through her head about what their news could be. Were they closing in on Hawkmoth? Did they need the people of Paris to support them in some way? Or? No, it couldn't be, Alya couldn't get that lucky. A tap on her window interrupted her thought and there stood Ladybug and Chat Noir.

She had changed her room into a makeshift interview set, with two chairs in front of her balcony doors. If she did it right, no one would be able to tell that it was a room, perfect for Alya's purposes.

"Ladybug! Chat Noir! Please come right on in and make yourselves at home,"Alya greeted them, opening up her doors.

"Thanks again for agreeing to do this Alya," Ladybug said, sitting down in one of the chairs. "We seriously can't thank you enough."

"Yeah, like I'm about to turn down a request from my idols," Alya scoffed. She tried to school her expression from "crazed fan" into "professional reporter," but she wasn't entirely sure if she was successful. Even after being Rena Rouge, Alya still couldn't quite get over her obsession with the heroes. Something told her that neither of them minded.

"So, just tell us when to start and we'll let you know," Chat Noir said. He took a seat in the chair across from Ladybug. Alya tried her hardest not to laugh as Chat Noir scooted his chair a bit closer to Ladybug's.

"That's better," he purred when the two chairs were right next to each other. Ladybug hit him with one of her signature eyerolls.

"Chaton, what if you just messed up Alya's set?" Ladybug sighed, but there was a large grin on her face. Interesting.

Alya watched as Chat Noir went pale. He turned to her, his mouth open and ready to apologize before Alya just waved him off.

"It's fine, I should've known you wouldn't want to be that far from your lady," she teased. "Ladybug if you want to straighten out your chair so it's side by side with Chat's...." Alya trailed off as Ladybug obliged.

It was odd that she didn't say anything about their close proximity. She didn't tease Chat at all for being flirtatious. If anything, being so close to him brought out a certain glow in her. Alya may need glasses, but she wasn't blind. She could see the look Chat Noir was giving her, one of absolute love and adoration. A small idea was planted in her mind, she tried to shoo it away as much as possible. She didn't want to get her hopes up, maybe she was just imagining things.

"Do you guys already know what you want to say?" Alya asked, checking her camera angle again to make sure it worked with the new set-up.

"Yeah, we've already got a script in mind," Ladybug confirmed, her cheeks pink.

"Listen Bug, you know we don't have to do anything you don't want to," Chat Noir told her in a low voice. Alya knew she probably wasn't supposed to hear, but the investigator in her was begging to cling onto every word.

Ladynoir July 2023Where stories live. Discover now