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Say hello again to the angst :) -Colorado


Ladybug was having the best goddamn day in her entire life. Hawkmoth and Mayura were gone, and for good! Everyone was happy and celebrating and the streets had become nothing but endless parades. Chat Noir landed next to her, a large grin on his face.

"We did it, My Lady," he said, holding out his fist for her.

"Hell yeah we did!" Ladybug bumped her fist against his. "I can't believe how lucky we are, both brooches are back safe and sound in the Miracle Box."

"We're never going to have to fight an akuma again!" Chat cheered. Ladybug giggled, he was too cute.

"We can have our lives back." Ladybug twirled on the rooftop. She loved being Ladybug, she really did, but he needed a well deserved break.

"We can be free," Chat Noir laughed. They turned to each other, wearing matching wild grins. Ladybug ignored the tingle in the back of her mind saying something was off.

"We can finally go to the movies together, kitty-cat," she said softly, taking a step towards him. Chat Noir's eyes grew wide, then softened.

"Yeah? We can finally hang out no matter the circumstance?" he asked, taking a step towards her as well.

"Of course, mon chaton, I wouldn't want it any other way." Ladybug smiled up at him.

"Does that mean what I think it means?" Chat Noir whispered, his voice hoarse. His eyes were filled with hope. It took Ladybug a moment to register what he meant, but once she did her smile only grew wider.

"There's not a threat anymore, Chat Noir. If you still want to, then I will happily oblige," she told him, relishing in the way his eyes sparkled.

"I get to know who you are now? Please say that I can," He pleaded, his hands coming out to grasp her shoulders.

"If you're ready kitty, then so am I." She grabbed one of his hands, bringing it up to her face.

"That's all I've ever wanted, My Lady," he said, taking her hand and placing a kiss on it. Her heart pounded. His eyes were so green, so incredibly green. She could get lost in those eyes forever.

"Okay, so let's do it," she whispered, meeting his gaze. "And after, we should go out for ice cream. Andre's?" She squeezed his hand, trying to get her point across. Chat Noir's face furrowed, but then he was smiling at her as if she was the sun.

"Why, Bugaboo!" he gasped. "Are you asking me out?"

"I suppose I am, Chat Noir. Now what are you going to do about it?" she hummed, leaning up into his space. She held back a laugh as he flushed. Her silly kitty could flirt all she wanted, but she knew he couldn't take it. She couldn't wait to keep making him flustered for the rest of their lives.

"What about this?" He kissed her cheek. She hummed an affirmation. "And... this?" He leaned down closer to her, his lips puckered. Ladybug smiled, and raised herself to meet him.

His lips were soft, she always knew they would be. She kissed him, and she kissed him as if it was all she ever wanted. Which, in a way, it kind of was. She loved him so much, but there was too much risk while Hawkmoth was around. But he was gone now, and Ladybug could love him no matter what.

They pulled back, wearing matching grins.

"We should detransform, I want to know who you are," Ladybug whispered, leaning her forehead on his. Chat Noir nodded against her.

Ladynoir July 2023Where stories live. Discover now