Hidden Spot

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Day 31. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all of the support on this series. When I began Ladynoir July, it had been over a year since I posted anything to this account. In a way, this was my return to the fanfic scene as a whole. I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to succeed this year, but I did it! Now I can say I have officially succeeded in doing a monthly challenge for every side of the square. Each like, each comment, everything you guys do means so much to me. I promise I won't disappear like last time. Thank you thank you thank you, I love you all <3 -Colorado


It was raining. The entire sky had opened up and poured down on Paris. Ladybug couldn't have been happier, Chat Noir didn't share her sentiment. Still, watching his lady twirl around in the rain with a large smile on her face was worth getting wet. Even if his suit was sticking to him, and his hair was plastered against his skin, and he was so so cold. It was rare to see Ladybug look so incredibly happy, and Chat Noir wanted to soak it all in. He just had to ignore his suit soaking in the rain. Plagg wouldn't be very happy with him. Cats didn't like the rain, after all.

"Come on, Chat," Ladybug called to him, holding out one of her arms. "Don't you want to come and dance with me?" She fluttered her eyelashes in a way she knew he was weak to.

Well, he was already drenched, might as well make the most of it.

Chat Noir ran over to her, scooping her up and spinning her around. Ladybug began to laugh, hitting his back ever so slightly.

"Chat! Put me down!" He did as he was told. Ladybug threw her arms around him, pulling him down so they were nose-to-nose. "Hi, kitty," she said giggling.

"Hello, My Lady," he whispered, leaning down ever so slightly to kiss her. Ladybug hummed into the kiss, one of her hands coming up to caress his cheek. He pulled back, suddenly not feeling so cold anymore.

"Are you ready for today?" Ladybug asked, tilting her head ever so innocently.

"No," Chat Noir said, letting just the slightest bit of vulnerability slip, "but I don't think I'll ever be ready. I'm excited for it, of course, it's just daunting."

Ladybug grabbed his hand, squeezing it tight.

"I know, but whoever you are underneath the mask, I'm going to love him." She placed a quick kiss to the bridge of his nose. Chat Noir felt his heart flutter.

He still couldn't quite believe this was happening. Ladybug was going to reveal her identity to him and he was going to reveal his identity to her. The two of them were closing in on Hawkmoth, and Ladybug had been nervous about the fallout. Chat Noir had proposed that they reveal their identities beforehand so they could find each other when the smoke cleared. To his absolute joy, Ladybug agreed.

So the day had finally come. Chat wasn't sure how things would turn out tomorrow, but he was going to soak up these precious moments with her. They had managed to track one of Hawkmoth's akumas coming straight from his own house. Not that Ladybug knew that, but she would soon. Chat tried to push off the very obvious answer to why an akuma was coming from the basement. There would be time to dwell on that tomorrow. Perhaps Hawkmoth had just been living in his house like a homeless man. But who cared about Hawkmoth when Ladybug was staring up at him as if he answered all of her wishes?

"I swore to myself the second day I met you that whoever you were underneath the mask, I'd love you," he whispered against her lips. "I intend to keep that promise."

"There's millions of people in Paris, I highly doubt we know each other already," Ladybug took one hand and tried to ruffle his hair. It didn't really work in the rain.

Ladynoir July 2023Where stories live. Discover now