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I'm calling this week "Chat Noir wins over Ladybug" week because we have gotten three prompts in a row that fall into the category. But whatever the spinning wheel decrees the prompt shall be, I must write in. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy! -Colorado


Ladybug was tired. Not physically, of course, but emotionally. Today had been failed confession number 371, despite pretty much the entire class helping her. It was like there was some force stopping Marinette from confessing each and every time. Sometimes it was just an akuma attack, sometimes it was her own anxiety, and sometimes things ended up lost, unsigned, left to disappear forever. Marinette was sick of it. Adrien consistently addressed her as just a friend, her confessions never worked, it was clear as day what she needed to do. She just hoped he would stick to her guns this time.

"I've decided I'm moving on from that other boy," Ladybug told Chat as they sat on the Eiffel Tower. The two of them were finishing up patrol, and decided to take a few moments to rest before heading home.

"What?" Chat Noir's head snapped to hers and his jaw-dropped. Ladybug could only shrug.

"I've got to move on from him. He doesn't see me romantically, every single time I've tried to confess it doesn't work out. He's never actually rejected me, but the countless failed rejections are sign enough that it's just not meant to happen." It broke her heart to say it. Ladybug resisted the urge to just leave now and cry in her pillow, but she knew it was the right thing to do.

"I'm so sorry, Ladybug. I really am." Chat Noir looked genuine. She knew he must have a million thoughts running around in his head.

"And while I can barely talk to him, much less confess, there's you. Constantly telling me how much you care about me and how much I mean to you." She shook her head, leaning back.

"I do care about you, My Lady. Not just romantically, but you're one of my best friends as well. If you're moving on and allow this cat to throw his hat in the ring, I would be ecstatic. But I also want you to be sure." Chat Noir grabbed her hand, squeezing it. It wasn't often he looked so serious, but Ladybug was glad he did. He genuinely cared about her, didn't he? It was quite a nice thought.

"Honestly Chat? I don't think you have any competition." She shrugged as her brain cried out in protest. Her heart told it to shut up. "You're kind, you make me laugh, I can trust you with my life, all good things to have in a partner."

She had laid awake last night thinking through everything. Luka was no longer an option. Not after breaking it off with him. And there was really no one else in her life she even remotely looked at romantically. She could see herself with Chat Noir very easily, and the image brought a smile to her face. If that wasn't a tell tale sign of her feelings, what was?

"Not to mention madly in love with you," he sang as he kissed her hand. She felt a blush come over her face. How could he say that so easily?

"Yeah, I guess there's that little detail, too." She was blushing, hard, but she didn't really care.

"But how would you feel about it? I mean a relationship can seem perfect on paper, but if you're just not interested it's just not going to work." He tested her carefully, watching her out of the corner of his eye.

"If it weren't for the other boy, it would've been you," she said simply, noticing how his eyes grew wide. "I've always found you attractive, Chat Noir, not that I would never admit it." 

"You mean that?" The disbelief in his voice would've hurt if not for the constant rejections over the years. She was sure it came as a shock to him.

"I mean yeah, I don't know how deep these feelings run, but I think if I just tried I would fall for you," her voice got quieter as her admission went on. She didn't have to fear rejection, so it was much easier for her to get the words out, but it was still a bit embarrassing.

Ladynoir July 2023Where stories live. Discover now