Bastille Day

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You know, if I had been smart I would've ignored the randomized prompt thing on July 14th to do this prompt. But I am not smart, so here's a one-shot that's just about two weeks late! Total one-eighty from yesterday. Also sorry if my representation of Bastille Day is incorrect, I'm not French so my knowledge comes from research not first hand experience. -Colorado


Ladybug had always loved the fireworks. When she was little, she would sit on her father's shoulders as they watched from the streets below. Once her parents weren't concerned about Marinette falling off her balcony accidentally, she began to watch the fireworks from there. Now that she was Ladybug, she had upgraded from her balcony. Was sitting on France's most iconic landmark on Bastille Day a bit cliche? Yes. However, five-year old Marinette was jumping for joy as the fireworks began. Watching the colors take over the sky was mesmerizing. Ladybug could almost feel her nervousness slipping away, almost.

What she had planned for tonight would change things forever. The dynamic her and Chat Noir had been quite comfortable with would change. The new dynamic her and Adrien had since three weeks ago would also change. But Ladybug could feel her secrets bubbling up like lava, and it was only a matter of time before she erupted. Might as well control when and how it happened.

Chat Noir landed behind her. The two of them were on the highest point of the Eiffel Tower. It was a bit darker up there than on the beams below.

"Good evening, My Lady. Happy French National Day!" Chat Noir picked up her hand and placed a kiss on it. Her heart rate sped up as he gave her a grin that had always made her melt.

"Hello, mon chaton, Happy French National Day," she said as he sat next to her. The childlike wonder in his eyes was something Ladybug had rarely seen. He looked so... happy.

"Sorry that I'm a bit late, Nathalie needed to brief me about my photoshoot tomorrow," he apologized. Even though it had been three weeks since they had revealed their identities, Ladybug was still surprised to hear Chat talk about his life as Adrien so casually.

"It's okay! I sort of figured something came up," she reassured him. He turned towards her and gave her a smile that was so sweet Ladybug couldn't breathe.

"Thank you," he said. She didn't miss how he scooted a bit closer to her.

"Y-you're welcome." Ah great, she was stuttering again. Maybe he didn't notice....?

"Are you alright, Marinette?" Nope. He definitely did.

"Uh-huh, fine!" She grinned, but she could tell that he wasn't convinced. Luckily, he seemed to spare her from further embarrassment and dropped the matter.

"You know, this is the first time I'm spending July 14th with someone," he murmured, his eyes on the fireworks.

"Really?" Ladybug whispered. She wasn't sure why she was surprised. Sure, it had been several years since Adrien became Chat Noir, but Gabriel still had a tight hold as his son. She never spent Bastille Day with him before as Ladybug. She always figured Chat Noir would be surrounded by his civilian friends.

There had been a lot of things she had thought about Chat Noir that turned out to be wrong.

Including the idea that Ladybug could never be in love with him. She already had a small crush on him before their identity reveal, but now knowing he was Adrien? Oh, she was an absolute hopeless case. But the thing was, she was about 82% sure that Adrien was in the same boat. After she had told him her name, he told her how unsurprised he was, how he had actually suspected Marinette was Ladybug before, and he continued to flirt with her like normal. Could she have possibly been lucky enough for Chat Noir to still be in love with her? She certainly hoped so. There were only so many soft gazes and lingering touches she could take before her word vomit revealed her feelings.

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