The Ladyblog

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Taking a bit of a step back from the romantic one shots today to give you all a bit of platonic LadyNoir! -Colorado


Ladybug tried her hardest to not show any favoritism towards reporters. She really did try to keep things professional and give only established new sites interviews. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate the smaller blogs, more so that she was worried that once she did an interview for one blog she'd be expected to do an interview for all of them. However, she made an exception for her best friend.

Chat Noir seemed to be in the same boat as her. He tended to stick to TVi only, but she noticed that he was always down for an interview on the Ladyblog. She never asked him any questions about why he preferred Alya's blog (perhaps it's because she had the original Oblivio kiss), and he never asked her any questions about her blatant favoritism. Which, really, was a relief for Ladybug. She wasn't sure how she could write off her affection for Alya.

So The Ladyblog had the reputation of being the one and only fan blog that Ladybug and Chat Noir actually gave the time of day. She got exclusive interviews, rumor has it they're in her comment section, too. She wasn't sure about Chat, but Marinette was definitely a frequent commenter on the Ladyblog. It also helped that Alya was a superhero herself, so Ladybug could show some favoritism towards her without it being too suspicious. However, she really did try to limit herself.

So when Alya had called for both her and Chat Noir to meet her at her house, Ladybug was a bit worried. She knew Alya would understand if they couldn't do a long interview, but she really hated letting her friend down.

"Ladybug! Chat Noir!" Alya had a smile on her face as she opened up the sliding glass door of her balcony. "Please, come on in. Have a seat." She gestured to the bean bags in her room. Chat Noir happily flopped down in one.

Ladybug wondered what Alya thought about this, having the protectors of Paris hanging out in her room casually. From the way her eyes sparkling, she supposed she had a pretty good guess.

"I want to thank you both for coming on such short notice," Alya began, sitting in her desk chair.

"Of course, anything for our favorite fan," Chat Noir winked at her. Alya grinned.

"I have a favor to ask you two, not an interview." She added at Ladybug's hesitance. "I'm going out of town for a few days, my parents want to take us to London. However, I still need someone to moderate the blog. I tried to get a hold of my civilian friends, but none of them really responded and I trust you two. You won't have to do anything major, I've got posts that are scheduled to go up automatically. Your job will involve looking through the comment sections and if you see any comments you think are inappropriate, take them down." Alya explained.

"Sounds easy enough, I'm totally down for it." Chat Noir gave her a lopsided grin. Ladybug wasn't so convinced. Alya had asked Marinette first after all, she had thought she would be way too busy. But maybe since Chat Noir was helping her, it wouldn't be too bad?

"Alright, I'm in." She decided after a few short moments.

"Oh, thank you!" Alya squealed before she turned serious again. "Inappropriate comments include anything with hate speech of any sort, any sexual content, obvious spam comments like advertisements for sketchy sites, all the basics. Other than that, I really tend to let people have free reign. It's never gotten to a point where I feel like I have to ban a user, but I tend to have a three strikes you're out policy? Um, some of my articles talk about the possibility of you two being a couple," she looked sheepish, "a lot of people support it. Obviously, I know you two actually aren't actually together, so if that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable you can just leave those articles alone."

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