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Aaaaand back to fluff we go! Although this concept was one I'm so excited to write, hopefully I can do it justice. -Colorado


The first time it happened, Chat Noir could've sworn he was going mad. That he had hallucinated the whole ordeal. But when the sunrise peeked through his windows and he woke up the next morning, he could still remember the night before.

"My favorite color is pink," Ladybug said, a smile playing on her lips. "It's what I wear all the time as a civilian."

He didn't know why she had said that, all he had asked was what her favorite color was. She was normally so careful about everything identity related. But last night Chat Noir had gotten another look at the girl behind the mask. The girl who apparently wore pink. It ran through Adrien's mind all day, a hum pulsing through his body. She wore pink, and suddenly every girl with dark hair in pink was making him catch his breath.

That was until they turned around and he could see that their eyes weren't blue enough, or their smile wasn't sweet enough, and it was simply his delusions tricking him. Besides, how could Ladybug be so close to him?

On a side note, Marinette wasn't there that day. She had come down with a cold according to Alya, poor girl.


Patrol felt different to Chat. He and Ladybug followed the same route, as always, stopped a couple of bar fights, prevented a couple of muggings, but there was something in the air. It was the way Ladybug looked at him as if he was a lucky charm. The way his heartbeat sped up just a little faster whenever she smiled. It was the way she laughed at all of the stupid jokes he made, even if several of the laughs were accompanied by eye-rolls.

"I'm telling you, Bug!" He was saying as they ended their usual route. "No other school has gotten akumatized as much as them."

The two had passed Françoise Dupont, and Chat Noir had brought up the shockingly high percentage of akumatizations that had come from the school. Most of which were his own classmates, but she didn't know that.

"You know I'm actually around that school a lot as a civilian," Ladybug laughed. Chat Noir felt his heart stop, for multiple reasons. "You would think my Ladybug Luck would rub off on them, huh kitty?" She nudged his shoulder, but he couldn't properly hear her.

"I'm around that school a lot as a civilian." It rang through him like a silent call, or what's more, a promise. Maybe she didn't go there, maybe she was a relative of a student or lived nearby, but either way, Ladybug was much closer than Adrien had thought.

He had been so caught up in the revelation, he had missed Ladybug's silent sneezes and hidden coughs.


The akuma raged through the streets of Paris, picking up cars in some sort of beams and crashing them into buildings. Chat Noir had cursed Hawkmoth for his timing before, but this had to be the worst offense. He was just about to see Marinette to drop off her missed schoolwork but nooooo, there just had to be an akuma! He just hoped it would be over soon.

Ladybug landed next to him on the rooftop, flashing him a confident grin.

"What do we have here, kitty?" Her eyes surveyed the scene.

"The akuma calls himself Car Crash, and he, you'll never guess, picks up cars in a beam and uses them as a weapon. The beam comes out of this white glove, I bet that's where the akuma is," Chat Noir reported. She scratched under his chin as a reward.

Ladynoir July 2023Where stories live. Discover now