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The lack post reveal post relationship in this series is kind of astounding, so here's another one for you! -Colorado


It was a common fact of life that Chat Noir was a cat magnet no matter where he went. On their evening patrols, cats would join them on the streets below. It happened to Adrien, too. Whenever they went out, there was always at least one stray cat that would join them. Adrien loved it.

He had always wanted a cat as a kid, but his father wouldn't allow for any animals in the house. However, his father was long gone now, and Adrien was a grown adult who could do whatever he pleased.

There was just one tiny roadblock. His apartment was pet-friendly, so luckily that wasn't an issue, but it wasn't just his apartment. He loved his fiancée, he really did, but she would probably kill him if he brought home an animal without her knowing. So that led him to practice an entire speech on why they should adopt a cat right here, right now for the past week. Marinette had nearly caught him at one point, but he tried his best to avoid her questioning glances.

Finally, it was time to put Adrien's plan into action.

"Good evening, My Lady," Chat greeted her, giving her his signature hand kiss.

"Good evening, mon minou," Ladybug said, squeezing his hand. "Shall we patrol?"

"We shall."

Patrol was spent running around the rooftops of Paris, laughing and chatting the entire way. Ladybug filled him in on the recent designs she had just created, meanwhile Chat Noir told her about the latest project he was teaching to his students. Like always, they had a friend join them on the street below. This time, it was a small tabby cat, meowing up at them. The cat tried to keep up for as long as he could, but the superheroes quickly sped off. Chat tried not to be too discouraged, there would be more cats. Patrol was uneventful, they didn't even spot any muggings, so they ended up on their favorite rooftop, side by side.

"You know, I'm not really sure why we even patrol anymore," Ladybug said, laughing a little bit. "It's been quiet for like, three months."

"The new Hawkmoth is much more clever than the old guy," Chat said, his voice carefully even. Ladybug didn't say anything, she just scooted a bit closer to him and squeezed his hand.

It had been several years since he figured out the truth about his father, about Nathalie, about what had happened. It had hurt, and the idea he was created using the peacock miraculous was a heady one, but he got through it. He had Marinette by his side. Felix and Kagami were key parts in his life, too. He saw how happy they were, despite being sentibeings, and it made him realize he deserved that life of happiness, too.

"May he rot in agony," Ladybug sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder. Chat Noir snorted.

"Cheers to that. Long day?" He realized Ladybug was cuddling into him, a smile on her face.

"I just missed you. I'm always at the shop, I need some quality time with my favorite groom," she murmured. Her words lit up Chat Noir's heart and made it melt all at once. Ladybug was magical like that.

"Well, that's why we patrol, right? To have a designated time in our schedule where we can see each other. It's not date night or anything, but you know how much I love seeing you." Taking a quick glance around to make sure nobody was there, Chat Noir kissed the top of Ladybug's head.

Even if Marinette and Adrien dating had been old news, Ladybug and Chat Noir were still keeping things under wraps. It was just safer that way. Besides, Chat Noir kind of liked having it be a secret. Their identity reveal had been more out of necessity than out of want, but Adrien couldn't have been happier. The way Marinette kissed him that night implied she felt the same way.

Ladynoir July 2023Where stories live. Discover now