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Unlucky (or perhaps lucky) day 13! All fluff and good feelings in this one, folks. Enjoy! -Colorado


"I can't help falling in love with you," Chat Noir sang as he picked petals off of the rose in his hand. "Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin?

If I can't help falling in love with you?"

"Minou?" Ladybug called. Chat Noir jumped in surprise.

"My Lady!" He turned around to see her smiling. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?" He picked up her hand and placed a light kiss on it.

"I saw photos on the Ladyblog that you were out and about." Ladybug sat down, squinting at the rooftop to try and see better.

Not for the first time, Chat Noir was thankful for his night vision. The rooftop he had chosen to spend this particular evening on was dark. In a part of Paris that was subdued, far from the lights of the tourist attractions.

"Figured I would come and make sure you were okay." She shrugged.

"Aw, you were worried about me?" He cooed.

"Of course I was worried about you!" Ladybug snapped, perhaps a bit too harshly. "Uh, sorry, of course I was worried about you."

"I just wanted to get some fresh air, you know how it is." He gave her his favorite lopsided grin.

"I do. Which is exactly why I was worried about you, Chat." Ladybug bit her lip. "Is everything okay, like, personally?"

"Yeah, I mean, I had an oddly empty schedule today? So I was basically stuck up in my room all day and wanted some air. That's all. But I'm honored that you're worried about me." He teased.

"Alright, you seriously have been cooped up in your room all day?" Ladybug asked.

"Yeah, my father can be kinda strict so I spent the day hanging out with Plagg. And not that I don't adore my kwami, there's only so many cheese puns I can take."

"Ha! You get a taste of your own medicine then. You know how many times I've had to put up with your cat puns?" She had that grin on her face. The one that made Chat Noir want to lean over and kiss her. Or maybe just stare at her forever.

"But cat puns are purrfect, bugaboo."

"Ugh, I shouldn't have brought them up." She crossed her arms, turning away from him. He laughed and the two fell into a comfortable silence.

"So, what's the rose for?" She asked after a moment.

"Oh, it's left over from dinner. I don't really have anything to do with the roses so might as well get some satisfaction from picking off the petals." He continued to pick at the pink rose, much more underwhelming from his claws.

"Oh, do you pick off the petals and say 'she loves me' 'she loves me not?'" Ladybug teased, but Chat Noir could see the blush on her face. Score one for night vision! He wasn't quite sure why she was blushing, but her face bathed in pink was a beautiful sight.

"No, no, not tonight," he laughed. "Tonight I was just messing with it," he twirled the stem around in his fingers.

"You were signing too." Ladybug said quietly.

"I was." He tried to fight off the embarrassment he felt. The idea that Ladybug heard him singing a love song without him knowing wasn't exactly how he wanted to serenade her."

Ladynoir July 2023Where stories live. Discover now