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Later upload today, sorry about that! I was out all afternoon prepping for my weekend plans and wasn't able to get home until late. Anyways, back to complete fluff on this one! I hope you guys enjoy! -Colorado


Ladybug was pacing the rooftop again. She had been doing this for five consecutive days, and Chat Noir was starting to get a little worried. He figured that after the events of yesterday that perhaps she'd stop with the pacing, but no dice. He landed next to her, loud enough so she'd know he's there but not too loud to startle her.

"Hello Chat Noir," she smiled, her pacing coming to a halt.

"Hello My Lady." He picked up her hand and placed a light kiss on it. All normal, even if things were far from normal right now.

"How are you doing tonight?" She muttered, not bothering to pull her hand away from him. The difference was subtle, but made his heart beat faster nonetheless.

"I'm doing amazing now that I'm with you," he said earnestly. The blush on her face was the best reward he could've gotten.

"You're such a flirt," she giggled.

"I only flirt with you, bugaboo," he reminded her, a grin growing on his face at how easy it was to fluster her.

"You really do, don't you?" Her voice was quieter than normal, her eyes not quite meeting his.

"Yep. Because I'm madly in love with you, and no one else. But I'm pretty sure you knew that." He winked, and Ladybug turned bright red.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," she shrugged, walking over to him and getting in his face. Despite her red face, the grin on her face told Chat Noir he should be worried. "But either way, I know it now. And I also know that you were right."

"About what?" Chat Noir gulped.

"I find you absolutely irresistible under the mask" she purred, kissed Chat Noir's nose, and ran off.

"Ma-! Ladybug!" Chat practically shrieked as he went running after her. Her laughter led him straight to her, as always. Or perhaps that was his heart again, it always seemed to have an affinity for finding her.

She was hiding behind a chimney, her hand muffling her giggles. She must've forgotten about his night-vision.

"Oh, I wonder where she is," he muttered to himself, pretending to look around. He waited until she relaxed her shoulders and then!

He pounced.

"Gotcha!" He yelled, tackling her to the ground in bouts of laughter.

"Adrien! Let me go!" She folded her arms and tried to pout, but he could tell she was still smiling.

"Never, Marinette." A cheshire grin was plastered across his face, and he probably looked like a lovesick fool. Did he care? Absolutely not.

God how he loved the sound of her saying his name. His real name. And God how he loved saying hers. It had only been five short days since they'd figured out their identities. And it had been some of the best days of his life. Knowing the love of his life was also the classmate he was hardcore crushing on? Total score. Becoming her best friend in and out of the mask? Amazing, incredible!

But the real cherry on top had come last night. Marinette had called him in a half-panicked state ranting about one of her designs. Then, she had let it slip that she was nervous about the boy she was in love with seeing her in the dress. The five minutes Adrien had spent absolutely broken-hearted trying to cheer her up was quickly replaced with euphoria as Marinette claimed he was the boy. So of course Adrien had quickly transformed and scrambled over to her house to kiss her, obviously. What else was he supposed to do?

Ladynoir July 2023Where stories live. Discover now