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The people's wishes have been answered! The fluff has returned!.  -Colorado


There were many things Marinette loved about being Ladybug. She loved being able to make people happy. She loved being Chat Noir's partner. She loved the grin on people's faces when she was spotted by them. Most of all, Ladybug loved the rooftops.

Paris looked different from up there. It was her own personal safe Haven of sorts. She wasn't in any danger when she was running along the rooftops. Unless there was an akuma, but you know, details. Ladybug loved patrolling, she loved being able to loosen up while in the mask. She loved being able to grow her partnership with Chat Noir. But tonight, as she approached the rooftops, she couldn't calm the nerves that shot through her.

For once, it seemed as though she was early for patrol. They decided to meet at their favorite rooftop, the one with a sparkling view of the Eiffel Tower. As she sat, she tried her hardest not to fidget. Tikki would tell her to stop catastrophizing, but Tikki wasn't here. Ladybug's thoughts tried to drown out her rational thinking.

'He's changed his mind. He was playing with you. This will only end in disaster. You're going to destroy the world.' Ladybug shook her head, trying to get her own thoughts to leave her alone. She remembered the trick Chat had told her about taking deep breaths.

'That's not going to happen. I know Chat Noir, he would never purposefully hurt me.' She thought. The coolness of the rooftop grounded her. She could feel it against her finger tips as a light breeze fluttered through.

The air around her shifted, and a smile came over her face. She didn't hear anything, but at this point she was fine tuned to his presence.

"I know you're there, Chat Noir," she said.

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb you." Chat walked over to her, picking up her hand and kissing it.

"Sit with me?" she asked, trying to hide how her entire insides had turned to goo. He smiled at her, that one smile that Ladybug adored with all of her heart.

"As My Lady wishes," he murmured, sitting down close enough to her so their legs were touching.

"How was your day?" Ladybug whispered, leaning up against him. Chat Noir stiffened, but quickly relaxed. She had to smother her giggle. For all of his talk, he was always so weak when it came to her showing affection.

"It's much better now that I'm here with you," he said, placing his head on his shoulder. "To be honest, my day was fine, but I kept on thinking about what happened last night. It's always hard to be away from you, but today it was pure torture." He intertwined his hands with hers.

"I know the feeling," Ladybug muttered. Alya had been bugging her all day if something had happened last night. Try as she might, Marinette couldn't hide anything from that girl. She may not know about her and Chat Noir, but Alya knew her best friend. Denying the existence of her boyfriend only made her miss him more. "Part of me was a bit scared that you changed your mind," she admitted.

"Bug, look at me," Chat began, lifting her head to look at his, "I've loved you pretty much from the day I met you. I have been dying for a chance to show you how much I love you ever sense. You've granted me that chance now, I'd be the biggest fool in the world to give it up."

Ladybug smiled, leaning into his hand on her face.

"It's still just so new, part of me is still worried it won't work out. Like everything is so great, something must be going wrong," she sighed.

Ladynoir July 2023Where stories live. Discover now