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Day five! I'm very happy I got this prompt now, as some established LadyNoir is very welcome in this series, hope you all enjoy! -Colorado


Four years. It had been four years since Ladybug had run up to Chat Noir and kissed him on the Eiffel Tower. Four years since she told him that she loved him and she was tired of pretending that she didn't. Four years since she made all of his dreams come true. The past four years have been the best of his entire life. Knowing that his lady was truly his and he was truly hers was a beautiful feeling. He loved her, all parts of her. Her beauty, strength, and kindness, but he also loved her stubbornness, was always there to calm her anxieties, and tried to talk her out of acting only on emotion. Being with Ladybug was a lot different than his 14-year-old self thought it would be. But now, at the ripe age of 22, Chat Noir knew he wouldn't have it any other way.

"What are you thinking about?" Ladybug drawled, her voice snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Just how much I love you, Bugaboo." He leaned down to place a kiss on her nose.

The two of them were out on a date night that turned into cuddling on the beams of the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug was laying on his lap, arms wrapping around his neck as she leaned her head against his chest.

"Flirt," she murmured lazily, closing her eyes.

"Your flirt, though." He grinned, he wasn't sure how someone could ever be this beautiful.

"Of course, mon chaton, I wouldn't have it any other way." One of her hands reached up to scratch him behind his ear, and a quick purr escaped him. He got Ladybug to laugh though, so perhaps the embarrassment from purring was worth it. "I love you, too." She whispered into the night, making his heart go catatonic.

One would think that after being with her for four years, Chat Noir would be used to hearing those words out of her mouth. But no, after four years his heart still skipped a beat whenever she admitted her love for him.

"I'm not sure how I got so lucky with you, My Lady. I thought you were supposed to be the lucky one," he teased.

Ladybug opened her eyes, giving a soft smile that made his heart leap. "I am the lucky one."

"Perhaps we're both lucky," he whispered, coming down to kiss her.

"I think we are," she whispered back, meeting his lips half way.

The two broke apart wearing matching grins. Ladybug gave him a small kiss to his forehead, making him swoon.

"I can't believe all I have to do is kiss you and you turn bright red," she laughed.

"Can you blame me? The most beautiful woman in the world is kissing me." He relished in the way her cheeks went warm. "See look, you fluster easily too, bugaboo."

"Oh you be quiet, or I won't kiss you anymore," she threatened, going back to leaning her head on his chest.

"You wouldn't!" Chat Noir gasped, placing a hand on his heart as if he were wounded.

"Don't test your luck, chaton." She winked at him, a large grin on her face.

Oh how he loved nights like this, Ladybug in his arms, the two of them in their own little worlds. What he wouldn't give to have every night like this. What he wouldn't give to be Ladybug's final goodnight and first good morning. He loved her so much it hurt, as if he was sick and she was the only medicine who could heal him. He wanted to... to spend the rest of his life with her. 

Ladynoir July 2023Where stories live. Discover now