Midnight Talks

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Day three! I really like this prompt, although my initial idea was not the same as the final result, but I really like this. Hope you all enjoy! -Colorado


The night Ladybug gave in, she had a plethora of excuses lined up in her mind. Chat Noir had worn her down, she was tired and wasn't thinking correctly, it seemed like a good idea and there was no harm in it, etc.. Yet as she dropped down into her bed that night and faced a questioning Tikki, she knew she had given in simply because she wanted to.

When Chat Noir had first discovered a messaging app a few months ago, he had immediately brought it up to Ladybug.

"We could contact each other as civilians! How many times have the two of us been in danger because one wasn't transformed?" He had said.

Still, Ladybug was skeptical at best about it. What if someone found the app on their phones and connected the dots? What if Chat Noir came across Marinette again and saw the messages? What if they got hacked and all of a sudden their identities were revealed to the world? It was simply too risky. 

But the seed had been planted in Ladybug's mind, and she found herself wanting to talk with Chat Noir more than usual. When she woke up from a nightmare she couldn't help but think about how nice it would be to hear his voice. When she saw a silly shirt she knew he would adore, she fought the urge to send him a picture. And of course, whenever he couldn't respond during an akuma attack because he wasn't transformed, she found herself warming up to the idea. 

So here she was, downloading a messaging app and looking up the account name Chat Noir had told her about. It didn't take long for him to accept her request and it took him even less to send her a message.


CoolestCat: Well hello there, My Lady

Lucky: hi, chat noir.

Lucky: are you sure this app is 100% safe to use?

CoolestCat: Of course! I have this friend who's a tech genius look into it, this app is safe. 

Lucky: alright, but for the record i think this is going to end poorly

CoolestCat: And yet you still gave in. That's a win in my books 😽

Lucky: yeah, yeah, don't get a big head about it

Lucky: like you said, this will come in handy when there's an akuma and we aren't transformed

CoolestCat: Also just to chat!

Lucky: we'll see chat noir, we'll see

CoolestCat: I'm sure I can wear you down eventually

Lucky: if you say so chat

Lucky: now it's late and i have school tomorrow, so goodnight

CoolestCat: Goodnight Ladybug! ❤️

But that was only the beginning. What could Marinette say? She finally had the opportunity to talk to her partner whenever, how could she not use that to her advantage? But still, she had a job to do. So Marinette reasoned that she could absolutely talk with Chat Noir, but just after patrols and akumas. She was just making sure he was okay! Absolutely!


Lucky: hey, you get home safe?

CoolestCat: Yep!

CoolestCat: What about you?

Lucky: home, safe and sound

CoolestCat: It was a quiet night tonight

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