Eiffel Tower

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What's this? A one-shot that involves the second half of season five? Never thought I would see the day. -Colorado


The tower had always been important to him. Before he was Chat Noir, Adrien would stare out his window at the tower and imagine how it would be to climb it. The second day he had his ring, it was at the base of the tower where he fell in love for the first time. It was the place where he and Ladybug had defeated akuma after akuma. It was a beacon of light to everyone who came near. Including him. So while he had other rooftops that he had a special attachment to, he ended up at the Eiffel Tower. At least no one could see him if he broke down here.

It had all been too much, recently. Chat Noir just felt lost. The end of the school year was approaching, and he still had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. He knew he could keep working for his dad, but his actions towards him and Marinette were hostile. He didn't think he could keep letting his father control him if Gabriel wasn't going to welcome Marinette. He wasn't even sure what his problem with her was, she was smart, she was talented, and she was the kindest person he knew. But for some reason, his father kept trying to force him towards Kagami. Who was apparently having something with his cousin, so it seemed like neither of them were happy about the situation.

And then there was Marinette. His precious Marinette who he loved with all of his heart, who was still there for him despite his father's disapproval. Marinette who had promised him that she was always going to be there for him, no matter what his father tries.

A goofy grin came over his face as he thought about the girl he loved so much. He still couldn't believe how lucky he was. Marinette Dupain-Cheng was in love with him! They hadn't been dating for very long, but every moment felt like a dream. She was finally able to tell him that she loved him, and he couldn't be more proud of her. Asking her out was the best decision of his entire life.

"Chat? I didn't think it was your night to patrol," a voice said behind him. He turned to see Ladybug looking at him curiously.

"It's not," he said simply. "I just needed to get some air."

"Oh, I can understand the feeling," she commiserated, coming over to stand next to him. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"There's really nothing I can tell you, Bug. It gets into some very personal information." He shot her a wry grin. He was surprised to see Ladybug's torn expression. She had always been so adamant when it came to their identities, why was it any different now?

"Argos gets to have his identity revealed to the world with no consequences," Ladybug muttered, her eyes trained on the skyline.

"Argos also snapped the entirety of Paris out of existence," Chat reminded her. "I don't think he's a villain, but he's no hero."

"I still can't trust him, he was so desperate to get his hands on the peacock miraculous for what?" Ladybug spit out.

"I don't know, I really don't, but he doesn't seem to be all that bad," Chat said gently. His cousin had messed up, and Adrien certainly didn't trust him. But he had brought all of those people back, that had to count for something, right?

"Maybe not, but it's still not fair," Ladybug grumbled. "I have all these secrets to keep from everyone, and meanwhile he gets to run around all willy nilly."

"I know," he whispered, fidgeting with his ring. He had thought about telling Marinette, but Plagg had always talked him down from it. It didn't seem right, keeping such a momentous secret from the girl he loved. "Have you thought about telling your boyfriend that you're Ladybug?" Chat asked after a moment. Ladybug tensed, then relaxed.

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