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Day 12! Hope you guys are ready for even more classic Ladynoir. I think the fics where Chat Noir sweeps Ladybug off her feet are one of my favorites, so I'm very happy to write that now. I wrote this at midnight and until two, so if there are a bit more grammatical and spelling mistakes than usual, that's why. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! -Colorado


Chat Noir wasn't exactly sure how he'd gotten himself into this mess. Rationally, he knew exactly what he did to end up here. The things he had said, dared Ladybug to do. Did that mean he understood how it had actually worked? Nope! Never in his wildest dreams did Chat think Ladybug would agree to this.

It had all started when he showed up to patrol. He had been scrolling through the Ladyblog when he was bombarded by photos of his and Ladybug's kiss. He tried not to think about it often, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. But it was hard knowing there was photographic proof of her loving him the same way he loved her.

But he tried to reason with himself, she didn't know she was kissing him and neither of them remembered the fight. So it was okay! Really! Even if sometimes he wished his memory would come back, that he'd remembered just what happened to make his Lady fall for him.

But then he saw a photo of the kiss she had given him during Dark Cupid. Now that just wasn't fair. The love of his life had kissed him twice and what did he remember from the ordeal? Zilch. Nada. Nothing. And this kiss was even more upsetting in a way, because Ladybug actually remembered this one! Even if she was just saving him, she was still kissing him! And sure, it was before she knew he was in love with her, but it had to count for something, right? So there he was, without the memories of the two times the love of his life kissed him. The only times he'd be kissed. So it was safe to say that when he got to patrol, he was a bit distracted.

"What's on your mind, kitty?" Ladybug asked.

"Why would anything be on my mind, My Lady?" Chat Noir shot back, giving her an innocent grin.

"Yeah, that smile doesn't work on me." She walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You just seem more subdued tonight, like something happened today."

"It's really nothing, Bug. Just something that I'm letting bug me more than I should." He shrugged it off and Ladybug gave him one of her famous concerned expressions.

"Do you want to talk about it? Maybe you're not making a big deal out of nothing." She said gently. Chat Noir laughed.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what I was thinking about."

"Oh yeah? Try me." Ladybug crossed her arms, giving him that look of determination he loved so much.

"I saw photographs of the two times you kissed me, and I'm a bit sad I don't remember either of them." He shrugged, sitting down on the rooftop. He heard, more than saw, Ladybug's arms unfold and fall loosely at her side. "See, told you I was making a big deal out of nothing."

"But it's not nothing Chat, not if it's making you upset." She said, sitting down next to him. "I really wish I remembered Oblivio, too. It's been bugging me ever since."

"Ha. Bugging you?" He turned towards her, a satisfied look on his face.

"Oh, wipe that grin off, kitty," she grumbled.

"But yes, bugging me. Neither of us have any idea what happened and it's clear that our amnesiac selves were more than happy to kiss. It's not like I was saving you from an akuma like with Dark Cupid."

Ladynoir July 2023Where stories live. Discover now