2. The waiting game

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It's been a week since I went to the café with Joe. He has my number so why hasn't he called or texted? I get it that he's busy but he said he would 'hopefully see me soon.' I don't know why I got my hopes up he obviously doesn't like me. After all we only got a drink. I tried to put him out of my mind.

I was woken by my phone buzzing. I dragged myself out of bed to answer the call.


Hi, Emma. It's Charlotte.

Oh hey, Charlotte. How are you?

I'm good. Missing my best friend of course.

Haha of course you are, I miss you too.

Do you wana go out tonight?

Yeah sure. Sunset bar at 7?

Sounds great. Bye!


Charlotte has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We went to nursery, primary and secondary school together. But we went our separate ways at university so we try and meet up as often as possible.

I pulled a maroon cardigan over my shoulders and sat down at my desk. I couldn't help it... I searched 'Thatcherjoe' into YouTube and clicked on a video. I found myself instantly smiling at the screen.

~A few hours later~

I took a shower and got dressed into a knee length black dress with heels and curled my hair slightly and put on some makeup. I grabbed my purse and phone and left my apartment.

I met charlotte outside the bar and we hugged tightly then went inside. We sat at the bar and ordered our drinks, a cosmopolitan for me and a tequila sunrise for Charlotte.

I looked across the busy bar and I couldn't believe he was here.

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