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Emma's POV

I was giving Caspar a hug because he was upset and I am his friend and Joe stormed in dragged Caspar away from me and punched him hard in the face. Caspar's nose burst and started madly bleeding. I forcefully shoved Joe out the way and ran to Caspar.

"Oh, my God, Joe! Look at what you've done!" I went and got tissue and an ice pack for Caspar's poor face and Joe just stood at the side of the room looking shocked and really pale, almost like he couldn't believe what he'd done.

I sat Caspar down on the sofa and cleaned his nose with antiseptic spray and put the ice pack to his face and moved Caspar's hand so he was holding the ice pack to his face.

"Joe, what the hell?!" I half screamed at him.

"I... I." Joe stuttered.

"I was giving Caspar a hug because he's sad and I'm his friend. You should have realised he was sad, he's meant to be your best mate but instead you come and beat him up?!" I yelled.

Joe suddenly seemed realise what he'd done.

"God, Caspar. I'm so sorry." Joe whispered walking towards him but Caspar backed away.

"Joe just go and calm down." I said and Joe left my apartment.

"Jesus, Caspar. Does it hurt much?" I asked.

"A little. Joe was just trying to protect you. He didn't want anything to happen between us." Caspar said.

"Joe knows what he did was wrong and he should trust us both. We only hugged. I would never ever be unfaithful to Joe." I said

"I know that and I think deep down Joe knows that too." Caspar said.

"Look, you keep that ice pack there and I'll order some food. You want pizza?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." Caspar said. "Oh and can I have some painkillers?"

"Sure." I got him the tablets and a glass of water.

I ordered the pizza and soon it arrived. Caspar had taken the ice pack off for now and his nose was bright red and still a bit bloody and his cheek was slightly bruised.

After dinner I got a call from Joe.

"What do you want, Joe?" I asked

"Look., Em. I'm so sorry. I'm just insecure that you would leave me. I know I can trust you and Caspar but I was just scared that someone else will come along who is better than me and you'll leave me." Joe said and it sounded like he'd been crying.

"You can and should  trust me. I would never leave you for some other guy Joe. You're the one I want to be with." I said

"You can come back to my apartment but you better speak to Caspar." I said and handed him the phone.

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