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Emma's POV

It's Christmas Eve and Joe and Caspar were allowed back into their apartment and it feels a bit empty without them. I'm really excited for Christmas! I'm going over to Charlotte's house to give her present today then getting some last minute food items for Christmas dinner. Caspar and Joe are coming over for lunch tomorrow.

I grabbed Charlotte's present and drove to her house. I knocked on the door and she soon answered it. She have me a warm hug and as I walked further into the house I smelt the delicious scent of baking.

Charlotte took some Christmas shaped cookies out the oven. She made me a cup of tea and we each had a cookie. We chatted for a bit and I told her I had to get going before the shops shut. She gave me a Christmassy gift bag with a name label that read 'To Emma, Merry Christmas! Lots of love Charlotte xx'. I gave her another hug and left her house. I bought some final food items and went back home.

A few hours later

I took some homemade mince pies to Joe's apartment because we were having a Christmas Movie night.

I drove to Joe's apartment and knocked. He answered the door almost immediately.

"Hi Emma!" He said and hugged me tight and placed a kiss on my lips. "Caspar's out with friends"

I hugged him tightly back. We went inside and I made the popcorn and drinks and laid the mince pies out on the table in front of Joe as he picked the first movie : The Polar Express.

We watched the film snuggled up. When the movie ended I pecked Joe on the lips and he pulled my waist to him deepening the kiss. I ran my hands through his soft hair and he ran his hands down my back and on my waist. We pulled away and Joe smirked at me.

"I love you, Em." He said.

"I love you too." I said I pecked him on the lips before we started to watch another movie.

How would I know that this was the calm before the storm.

a/n: I was just checking my story to see whether it had hit 80 reads yet and it had hit 100! I know this is hardly anything compared to other fanfics but it is an achievement for me because I never thought anyone would read it. So to all of you who read my fanfic thank you so much! It means a lot to me.

Please vote if you are enjoying it!!! x

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