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I just want to say sorry for the really short chapters recently but I will try to make them longer from now on! Enjoy chapter 12. Thank you for 50+ reads, I never thought anyone would read it.

It would be amazing if you could click the star and vote or leave me a comment. :)

Emma's POV

My alarm went off at 10pm and I dragged myself out of bed and took a shower. I dried and straightened my hair an put it in a messy bun. I put on a white vest top, and open, red checked shirt, navy skinny jeans and fluffy socks. I put on my usual basic makeup and started drawing my final product for my textiles course. Our task was to design and make a dress suitable for the red carpet. I drew and drew until I had finished. I looked at my design and was happy with it.

I went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. A pair of hands wrapped around my waist and Joe kissed my cheek. He was topless but wearing sweatpants.

"Good morning, Emma" He said.

"Morning Joe." I said and pecked him on the lips. He looked amazing.

"You want breakfast?" I asked.

"Yeah but I'll make it." He said. Joe made us both some toast and we sat down on my sofa.

"You slept on here last night?" Joe asked looking at the pillow and blanket on my sofa.

"Yeah." I said

"You should have taken your bed and I would have moved." He said. "Or you could have got in with me." Joe said with a smirk.

I smirked back and winked at him. I got up off the sofa and handed him the clothes and toiletries I bought yesterday.

"What's this?" Joe asked

"Well, all your clothes are back at your apartment and you don't have anything with you. So at least now you have clean clothes to wear. " I replied.

"Emma, you didn't have to do that!" Joe said and he pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my forehead.

"I wanted to." I replied.

We stayed sat snuggled up like this for a while.

"I'm just going to Skype my mum." I said after a while.

"Okay." Joe said getting up.

"Can you stay? I want to tell her about you." I said.

"Sure." Joe said but looked worried.

"Don't worry. " I said pecking his lips.

I skyped my mum and she answered almost instantly.

"Hi Emma!" Se said

"Hi mum!" I replied "You sound more and more Australian every time I speak to you!" I said and laughed.

My mum had moved to Australia a few years ago for her work and I wanted to stay behind. I have been once to visit and mum has been here a few times but I want to go and visit her again.

"Mum, this my boyfriend Joe." I said looking at Joe.

"Hello Mrs Howell." Joe said.

"Ooh boyfriend? Hi Joe,You can call me Sarah." My mum said and smiled at him.

"I put your present in the post the other day mum. It should come soon." I said.

"Yours should be there in the next few days." My mum said.

"Have you finished your design?" She asked me.

"Yeah. I'll go and get it." I left Joe sat on the sofa and squeezed his shoulder reassuringly as I got up. I went to my room and took my drawing pad off my desk and was walking back into the lounge and heard Joe answer ...

"I'm 23"

I sat back down on the sofa next to Joe.

"I hope you weren't bombarding Joe with questions?" I asked.

"No I was just making conversation." My mum said. "And I was just checking he's the right age for you. I approve." My mum said and smiled. (Joe was only a year older than me.)

I put the drawing up to the camera so she could see it.

"I'm not 100% on it yet though." I said

"It's very good. I like it." She said.

"Mum I gotta go and finish this. Bye!"

"Bye , Emma. Bye, Joe, and I hope you can both visit soon. " She said and ended the video call.

"I knew you were good at drawing but I didn't know you were this good." Joe said taking the drawing out of my hands and placing it on his lap to get a better look.

"Can you draw people?" Joe asked.

"I guess so." I replied

"Could you draw me?" Joe asked.

"I can try." I replied.

"Could you go and put a top on? I don't want to be distracted" I said and looked at his 6 pack and he chuckled and put on a t-shirt that I bought him yesterday.

"Nice choice." He said looking down at his t-shirt.

I began to draw his face. I made sure I blended the pencil lines well and tried to recreate his features perfectly. Caspar woke up and came and sat behind me as I drew Joe. Caspar nodded at Joe in reassurance. After ages I was finished.

"Done!" I said. I showed into Caspar first.

"Wow Emma! That's really good!" He said.

I then showed it to Joe.

"Woah. That is amazing!" He said "Can I keep it?"

"Sure." I said and took the page out of the drawing pad and handed it to him.

"I love it." He said and pecked my lips, hugged me and went to put the drawing in my room.

"Let's go out somewhere." I said to Joe and Cas.

"Okay, what were you planning?" asked Joe

"We could just go through the city. Do a bit of shopping, get lunch and you guys could vlog." I suggested.

"Sounds good." Said Caspar.

"I'm going for a shower" Joe said and left the room

The drawing that Emma drew is the one at the top of this chapter. I know not much happened in this chapter but trust me something is coming soon...

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