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Joe's POV

Zoe was going back to her house today that she shares with Alfie (Pointless blog) she had come to visit for a few days.

"Zoe?" I called through our dad's house.

"Yeah?" she yelled from upstairs.

"You wanna go for a coffee before you leave?" I asked

"Yeah sure. I'm coming now."

Zoe drove us (in her mini) to a coffee shop.

"What time are you going back?" I aske her once we were sat down.

"Probably about 4." She said

"So.." she continued. "How's it going with Emma?"

"Really well." I said with a smile on my face. "I want to ask her out."

"Wow. " Zoe said. "You should. I've seen the way she looks at you." Zoe said

"I really do like her, Zoe. She's beautiful, intelligent, funny and I just love being around her."

Zoe smiled at me. "You obviously like her a lot."     

"Of course I do." I said and I found myself grinning.

I said bye to Zoe and drove back to my apartment that I share with Caspar. (Also a Youtuber) I hadn't been home in a few days.

"Hey buddy!" Caspar yelled and hugged me.

"Hi, Caspar." I laughed

"I'm going to bring Emma round here before and after we go Christmas shopping. So maybe get dressed." I said laughing at him. He was in tracksuit bottoms and an old t-shirt.

"Fine. I will be on my best behaviour." He smirked.

I went and got changed into black skinny jeans and a grey Jack Wills tshirt and Nikes.  Emma should be here soon. She knocked at the door and I let her in. As soon as she walked in I gave her a big hug.  She laughed at me then hugged me back.

"Hey Emma." I heard Caspar say behind me.

"Hi Caspar." Emma replied with a smile.

Emma had been to my apartment before but Caspar was visiting family in South Africa these past few weeks so they have never met before.

"Is it okay if I go to the loo before we leave?" Emma asked.

"Sure, you know where it is." I replied.

Emma's POV

I walked down the stairs of Joe and Caspar's apartment to the loo. As I was walking back up the stairs to find Joe. I heard Caspar and Joe talking and I heard my name.

"Emma seems really nice." Caspar said.

"She is. She's amazing." Joe said. This made my heart flutter.

"Plus she's really hot." Caspar said.

"She is." Joe said and he chuckled and fake hit Caspar. "I think she's coming."

I carried walking up the stairs.

"You ready to go Em?" Joe said grinning. I loved it when he called me Em.

"Yep. See ya Caspar." I said and we left the apartment.

I decided I would drive. I unlocked my car and Joe looked shocked.

"Nice car." He said getting in.

"Thanks." I replied.

It was a black Porsche convertible, my mum and dad have got good jobs so they bought it me for my 21st.

I drove through the streets. I parked my (beautiful) car. We walked through the streets that were beautifully lit up with Christmas lights.

Joe got noticed by fans and took pictures with them. I stood and smiled at him. He was adored. It was so cute that he made them so happy.

We both bough presents for our parents and I bought Charlotte (my best friend) :a whole bunch of nail varnishes, some clothes, some vouchers for her favourite clothes shops and some Christmassy food.

"Wow." Joe said. "You do buy your friends a lot!"

"I like to show them how much they mean to me." I said.

We went for a look around the Apple store.

"I really want an Apple watch!" Joe said.

"They are pretty cool." I agreed.

"They are really expensive." He sighed as we left the shop. We went to Nando's for lunch. Then sat down at a bench outside. It was really cold and  started shivering.

"Come here." Joe said and held his arms out. I sat nearer to him and he wrapped his arms around me keeping me warm. I looked up at him and he was looking down at me.

"Look Emma." Joe said and cleared his throat. I could feel his heart beating fast.

"You are amazing. You are talented, beautiful, smart and you always make me laugh. I was wondering... Will you be my girlfriend?" He looked into my eyes as he asked and I knew I only had one option. I looked into his eyes.

"Yes. I would love to."

He kissed me for what felt like eternity. When we pulled away he was grinning madly at me. I hugged him tight and got up.

"Where are you going?" Joe asked confused.

"I need to go and buy my boyfriend a Christmas present." I asked and winked at him.

It felt weird calling Joe Sugg my boyfriend. I was so happy that I found myself grinning like an idiot to myself.

I walked down the street and into the Apple store. I bought the watch that Joe said was his favourite earlier and bought a few bits of makeup ('Starry eyed' lipstick from Rimmel and a mascara.) then called Joe.

"Hello, beautiful." He said and I felt myself blushing.

"Hi Joe" I said and giggled.

"Have you finished your shopping?" he asked.

"Yeah. Have you?"

"Yep. I'll meet you at your car?"

"Sure. " I said

I got in my car and drove to Joe's feeling ridiculously happy.

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