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Emma's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and got up to get a glass of water. I walked into the kitchen and Luke was sat at the kitchen table fiddling with his hands.

"Luke?" I said.

"Oh... hi Emma." Luke said looking up and smiling sadly.

"What's up?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Lucy's leaving." he said and tears escaped from his eyes. He quickly wiped them awa. I pulled him into a hug and let him cry.

"What do you mean she's leaving?" I asked.

"She's moving to England. We both knew we couldn't have a long distance relationship. She told me we couldn't be together anymore." He said and started crying again.

"Oh, Luke." I said.

"I didn't know." I said. I hugged him tight. He cried a bit more.

"You are still gonna be friends right?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course." He said slightly smiling.

"You can go back to bed if you want, I'm fine." He said.

"I'm not really tired." I said.

We sat in the living room and sat on the sofa and started to watch a movie.

This explains why Luke was sad before and why Lucy didn't seem herself. I fell asleep after a bit. I woke up and Luke was asleep and me feet were propped up on his leg.

'Haha, I bet that was so uncomfortable for him." I thought. I put a blanket over Luke and went back to bed. I curled up next to Joe. I woke up a few hours later and it was 8:30 am. I walked into the living room to get my phone and Luke was still sleeping on the sofa I chuckled and took a picture. I walked into the kitchen and went on tumblr for a bit before Lucy walked in.

"Where's Luke?" Lucy said.

"In the living room" I answered.

Lucy said nothing.

"What's up Emma?" Lucy asked

"How come you didn't tell me you were moving to England?" I asked quietly.

Lucy looked shocked that I knew.

"I thought if I pretended it wasn't happening I wouldn't hurt." She said.

"Okay." I said. "You need to make sure Luke knows you still want to be friends" I say.

"I know. I will." Lucy said.

Joe's POV

I woke up and was the only one in the make-shift bedroom. I got up just wearing my sweatpants. Emma looked up at me and smirked and looked down so I wouldn't see. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pecked her neck. She giggled at me.

"So we're going to the hotel later?" I asked.

"Yep." Said Emma.


"Emma, can I speak to you for a second?" Luke asked Emma.

"Sure." She said and got up and left the room.

I got up off the sofa to go and pack my bag. I walked past Emma's room just to hear...

"Get off me, Luke! I'm with Joe and nothing is gonna come in between us!" Emma yelled and stormed out of Lucy's room. She stormed past me and into the bathroom. I walked into Emma's room where Luke was still sat.

"What the hell did you do?" I asked Luke.

"I'm sorry Joe. I wanted to kiss her but she was adamant that she was with you and no-one else. I know that, I was just upset about Lucy breaking up with me and... I just... I just want to be with someone." Luke said and looked down.

"Wait... Lucy broke up with you?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's moving to England." Luke said. "I'm sorry Joe. I didn't mean to hurt either of you."

"It's okay, mate. I know how it feels to be dumped." I said with a slight hint of sympathy.

I left the room and went to find Emma. I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" Emma said.

I walked in and she was sat on the floor.

"Don't be mad at him but..." Emma started.

"I know. He told me." I said putting my arm around her.

"I just feel so bad for Luke." She said.

"I know, it must feel terrible." I replied. "Do you wanna go out for a meal? Just us two? It will give Luke and Lucy time to talk."

"Yeah good idea." Emma said.

We both got ready. Emma was in a blue dress and she looked beautiful. We walked hand in hand to the restaurant. We were sat on a outdoor table with a view of the sea.

"This place is beautiful." Emma said looking out to the sea.

"It is. Like you." Emma chuckled but shook her head slightly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I can't get over how lucky I am." She said looking into my eyes.

"I'm the lucky one." I replied looking back into her eyes. When we finished the meal we walked hand in hand on the beach as the sun was setting. It was amazing. We sat on the sand and I leant in to kiss Emma and she kissed me back our lips moving in sync. I put my hand on her waist pulling her closer to me and she put her hands on my neck messing with my hair slightly. We broke apart panting then pulled in again.

A/n I hope you guys liked it! Poor Lukey :( but Lucy creates a relationship with another youtube star when she moves to England. Who will it be? ;)

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