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Lucy's POV

I hadn't seen Emma in years. Our mums are best friends and we were always together as kids. I know that Emma and her boyfriend Joe are visiting for 2 weeks and I am so excited to see her again! I know who Joe is because I watch youtube: Joe, Caspar, Alfie, Marcus, Zoe, Naomi, Jim, Tanya, Phil and of course Dan. I loved Dan he was my favourite!

I was gonna hang out with Emma and Joe a bit this weekend.  I also wanted to introduce Emma to Luke, my boyfriend. He has a soft blonde quiff and adorable dimples with amazing eyes. He is the lead singer in 5SOS so I sometimes get recognised. Jemma (their names combined) talked to Sarah for a bit then I suggested we go and get coffee and they accepted. We arrived a the coffee shop and Luke walked in. He took my breath away every time. He got recognised by a few people then came and hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Luke, this is Emma and Joe." I said.

"Hey, guys, How ya doing?"

We finished our drinks and decided to go to the beach. Emma and Joe went back to Sarah's house to get ready and we would meet them there.

Joes POV

I swapped my skinny jeans for trunks and put a different t-shirt on. I grabbed my vlogging camera, phone and sunglasses and waited for Emma. She walked down the stairs in a mid-thigh floral dress and her sunglasses were on her head. She smiled at me.

"Ready?" she asked.

"Yeah. You look gorgeous by the way." I said.

"Thank you, Joe." she said and pecked my lips.

We walked to the beach hand in hand. We got there and Lucy and Luke were sat on the sand talking to each other.

"Hey, guys!" Lucy said.

We all sat and talked for a bit then Emma suggested we go in the sea. Emma took her dress off and had a bikini on that showed her perfectly toned body. (See the pic at the top of the page) I think I was staring at her because she cleared her throat and I saw her grinning at me.

I took my top off and the four of us ran into the sea. Luke came up to me "You're so lucky. Don't mess it up, dude." I thought about what he said and he's right. I can't ever lose Emma.

We swam in the sea for a bit then got out and sunbathed.

I waited until Emma and Lucy were asleep and answered Luke.

"You're right, I cant lose her. She perfect and I know I need her." I said.

"I can tell she loves you back." Luke said.

I lay on my back, put my sunglasses on and fell asleep.

Emma's POV

I woke up and saw Joe lying next to me. His perfectly sculpted abs made me smile as I thought about how lucky I am.

"You guys are adorable." Luke said.

I laughed and thanked him.

"You and Lucy are too." I said

He said nothing but smiled sadly.

"Luke?" I asked. "Luke what's wrong?" I asked

"What? Oh... nothing. No er... I'm fine." He said.

Joe woke up and asked if we were okay with him vlogging we all said it was fine.

"Hi guys, I'm here with the beautiful Emma, the lovely Lucy and the very happy Luke." Joe said because Luke was grinning madly at the camera. We laughed at Luke and Joe started talking about the plans for later.

When it got to 5 pm we left the beach and headed back to my mum's house and Lucky (The ship name I created for Lucy and Luke) went to Lucy's to get movies and bring them back to the house for a movie night. I went inside the house and there was a note from my mum saying she had gone out with friends. I took a shower and put my hair into a messy bun. I got changed into black leggings and green day top. Joe then took a shower and put on grey sweatpants and t-shirt. Luke and Lucy arrived and I laughed when I opened the door because Luke was wearing the same shirt as me.  He was wearing black skinny jeans with rips in the knees. He laughed when he saw my shirt.

"Nice shirt." He said with a grin.

"Haha thanks." I said.

Lucy was wearing skinny jeans and a t-shirt with her hair, still slightly curly but in a plait. I gave her a big hug. We decided to watch a horror movie. I was sat with Joe to my right and Luke to my left and Lucy was on the left of Luke. I jumped occasionally and Luke screamed at one bit. We all laughed him and he chuckled at himself. After a while we suggested that Lucky should sleep over and they said yes. I put shorts on but kept the green day t-shirt. I lent Lucy some clothes to sleep in. We decided to drag mattresses downstairs. I fell asleep next to Joe and smiled at the memories of a perfect day.

A/N Sorry for not updating but I'm going to write another chapter now to make up for it. Vote if you enjoyed :)

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