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Emma's POV

It's new year's eve and about 4pm. We had invited Joe and Caspar's British youtube friends round for a new years party and we were going to tell them that I am Joe's girlfriend. Zoe already knew and so did Caspar of course but we asked them to keep it a secret until we were ready to tell them. Zoe, Alfie, Marcus, Naomi, Jim, Tanya, Louise and Oli. Of course Caspar would be there too. Caspar and I went out to get alcohol. I drove my car to the shops and Caspar played his music really loudly and starting singing really loudly and badly he videoed us singing to the music and put it on his Snapchat story. We went into the shop and bought 2 bottles of champagne, ciders, beer and wine, nibbles. On the way to pay I put a packet of Haribos in the cart. When we were on the car home I opened the sweets and Caspar ate some and I had some until we finished the packet.

"We are so childish!" I said laughing.

"That's not a bad thing!" Caspar said laughing too.

We got back to Joe and Caspar's apartment and brought in the shopping. I put the packet of sweets in the bin.

"Did you guys not save me any?!" Joe asked pretending to be annoyed.

"Nope, we ate them all." I said laughing at him.

Joe crossed him arms and pouted.

"Baby, I'm sorry!" I said still giggling at him. I pecked his lips and Joe laughed at me.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too."


Jim, Tanya, Marcus and Naomi arrived first. Then Oli. Then Zoe, Alfie and Louise. People were drinking, music was playing and we were dancing. Joe went round each guest and introduced me.

"Hi, Joe!" Louise yelled.

"Hey Louise! This is my girlfriend Emma." I said.

"Hi Emma!" Louise said and hugged me. "How long has this been going on?"

"About a month" Joe said smiling at me.

We went to Marcus, Alfie and Oli next where they all congratulated Joe on 'finally getting a girlfriend' and I laughed at this while Joe blushed. Marcus said quietly to me as we were walking away "Joe is a very lucky boy." I knew he was deeply in love with Naomi so I ignored this comment.

Then we told Naomi and Tanya who both hugged me and welcomed me to the 'family.' I am so glad, they all seemed so nice! Then the countdown came: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

We all hugged each toher and Joe kissed me. He put his arms around my waist and deepened the kiss while I rested my arms around Joe's neck. We pulled away

"Happy new year! I love you." I whispered in his ear.

"I love you too, Em." He whispered back.

We opened the champagne and we all had a glass. Marcus then continued to drink beer. I think he drank the most out of everyone. After a while Jim and Tan said they were going home as they were both very tired and ere travelling to visit Jim's parents in the morning. We all said good bye to them. A few hours later Alfie and Zoe went home. Everyone else was sleeping over.  Marcus, Naomi, Joe and I all decided to get some rest too. It was now 3am. Marcus was a bit worse for wear. Marcus and Naomi were staying in Caspar's room and Caspar was staying on the sofa.

" I'm just going to get a glass of water for Marcus and I." Naomi said.

"I'll take Marcus downstairs. He's gonna need the help." I said laughing at him as he stumbled.

I walked downstairs with Marcus supporting him. I sat him on the bed and started to walk away when he grabbed my wrist and sat me down next to him.

"Marcus, let me go." I said firmly.

"If I was Joe I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off you." as he said that he put his hand on my thigh.

I stood up and whacked his hand.

"I told you to let me go!" I yelled at him and ran upstairs. Naomi was just walking down the stairs as I got up.

I went up to Joe.

"Marcus just came onto me." I said. Joe's head snapped up.

"What?!" He asked angrily.

"He pulled me on the bed to sit next to him and I told him to let me go. He said that he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off me if he was you and then squeezed my thigh." I said all in one breath.

Joe started storming towards the stairs.

"Joe wait!" I yelled.

"He's drunk. Talk to him in the morning." I said

"Okay." He said and smiled weakly at me.

"Joe, baby, I love you. No-one else. You need to remember that." I said looking him in the eyes and pecked his lips.

"He hugged me tightly. "Ready to go to bed?" He asked. I nodded.

We said goodnight to Caspar even though he'd been asleep for 10 minutes. We walked down the stairs and into Joe's room. I got undress and I could feel Joe staring at me I turned around and winked at him and he blushed but smirked at me.

"Can I borrow a tshirt?" I asked.

Joe chucked me a grey t-shirt with short sleeves. I put it on then cleaned my teeth and climbed into Joe's bed. Joe took his clothes off but left just his boxers on. I couldn't take my eyes away from his perfect body. I smiled the turned my head so he wouldn't see. He climbed into bed next to me and puled me to him and we fell asleep snuggled up. I dread to think what will happen with Joe and Marcus.

a/n Hope you are enjoying it. This chapter was longer than normal and took my a while. :)

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