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Joe's POV

I woke up next to my beautiful girlfriend. I still couldn't believe she was mine. She was perfection and I don't know why she would want to be my girlfriend. But I love her so much.

I pulled my laptop onto my bed and edited my vlog video from yesterday reading to upload. As it finished uploading Emma woke up. She stretched out and smiled at me. My video finished uploading and I turned my laptop off and cuddled up next to Emma when I dozed off again. I woke u about half an hour later. Emma was still awake and looking at me.

"How did I get so lucky?" She asked.

"I ask myself the same question everyday." I replied. I squeezed her tight.

After cuddling for a bit longer I got out of bed and had a shower. I heard Emma playing her music on my speaker and her singing along. 'This is the girl I love.' I thought and chuckled to myself. I got out the shower with a towel tied round my waist. Emma was dancing around wearing the tshirt I leant her.

I laughed when I saw her she laughed too.

"I'm going for a shower, Joe." Emma said.

"Okay, babe." I replied smiling at her.

She went into the bathroom and had a shower. I tweeted that I uploaded a new vlog and snapchatted it too. I started reading comments:

"Who's the girl that's with Joe?"

"There is only one person there who isn't a youtuber, is she a friend of theirs?"

I knew I would tell my subscribers soon but only when Emma was happy with it. Emma came out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. She put on some of the clothes that she had brought over. She wore skinny jeans and a light grey Jack Wills hoodie.

"Em, are you ready to tell my subscribers?" I asked a bit nervous for her response.

"Yeah, I think I am." She said and smiled at me.

There was a knock at my bedroom door. It was Marcus.

"Emma, I'm sorry for yesterday. I was drunk and being an idiot. I love Naomi and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you Joe." Marcus said.

"Don't do it again, mate." Joe said.

"I won't and I'm sorry both of you." He said.

Emma and I engulfed him into a group hug.

A/N  Only one more update until Australia and a new character :)

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