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Joe's POV

"Caspar. I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I can trust you and I know that. Im really sorry." I said to Caspar over the phone.

"It's alright, mate. We're even - I burnt the apartment and you punched me in the face." Caspar said with a slight chuckle.

"Sorry, mate." I said again and returned the chuckle.

I ended the call and drove to Emma's apartment and knocked on the door.

"It's open!" I heard Emma shout.

I walked in and Emma and Caspar were sat next to each other on the sofa. Caspar was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt and Emma was wearing pyjama bottoms and a vest top. She looked so effortlessly beautiful. I cant imagine what I would do if I lost her.

They were just watching The Dark Knight. The credits rolled on the screen and Emma got up and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry, Em." I whispered in her ear.

"It's okay. Just promise me you won't do it again" She said.

I hugged Caspar and apologised again.

"It's okay. But you now have to be my slave for the next 2 days." He said.

I laughed at Caspar and took my coat off.

Emma's POV

Joe took his coat off and his t-shirt showed off his biceps perfectly. I am so lucky. We decided to watch the next Batman movie. Because Caspar is now Joe's slave Caspar made Joe make the popcorn as I started playing the film. I snuggled up to Joe and he put his arm around me. I got up midway through the film to get drinks. I got a glass of wine for me and 2 beers for the boys. We watched the rest of the film and decided to go to bed. Caspar said night to us and went to bed. I brushed my teeth and got into bed and scrolled through my social media on my phone. I noticed Joe walked in and took his top off and put sweatpants on. I tried not to stare at his six pack but it was quite difficult. He climbed in next to me. I turned my phone off. I lied down and Joe pulled me closer to him.


I turned round to look at Joe who was looking me right in the eyes.

"I love you." He whispered. My heart fluttered and I realised we had never said it before.

"I love you too, Joe." I whispered back.

At this Joe pulled me tighter and kissed me passionately. We pulled apart and Joe was staring at me still. I chuckled at him.

"Goodnight." He said and pecked me again on the lips.

I fell slowly to sleep with a smile on my face.

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