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Joe's POV

"There's been a fire at my apartment." I said. "I've got to go."

"I'll drive you" Emma said. I loved having her with me at times like this.

Emma drove carefully but quickly to my apartment.

I got out the car and so did Emma.

"You have to stay here. It could be dangerous." I said.

"I don't care. I'm coming with you." She said. We both ran up the stairs and saw Caspar talking to a fireman and he was handed a piece of paper.

The last fireman left and Caspar looked up and when he saw us his eyes were glazed with guilt.

"Caspar, what the hell happened?" I asked.

"I think I left the oven on and it caught fire." Caspar replied looking at the floor.

"Is the apartment damaged?" I asked, worried.

"A bit. The walls are a bit singed and the floor is slightly damaged. But all downstairs is fine. The fireman said it will be a week until we can go back in." Caspar admitted.

I breathed a sigh of relief at this. Our bedrooms are downstairs. They contain our most special possessions, our laptops, computers, speakers, lighting and sound equipment and of course all our cameras.

"I'm sorry, Joe." Caspar said quietly.

"It's all right mate. Don't worry, we'll sort it." I said

"I guess we have to find a hotel." Caspar sighed.

"You guys can stay with me." Emma said from behind me. We both turned around to face her. Caspar and I nodded to each other. We were staying with Emma for a week. This should be fun.

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