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Joe's POV

I had an amazing time with Emma on our date. She looked so beautiful. I couldn't believe I was on a date with her! When we kissed I felt that that moment in time was perfect and I didn't want it to end. We've been out a few times since then and become really close and really good friends but I don't know if it will become anything more than friends. I decided to call her.

"Hey, Emma." I said

"Hi, Joe" She replied.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come and meet my family today?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. But what if they don't like me?" she asked sounding worried.

"Hey, don't worry. Its only my dad and sister, Zoe. They will love you I'm sure. I'll pick you up at 6 and we can go and watch a movie after?" I suggested.

"Yeah sounds good. Hang on, can you pick me up somewhere different?" She asked

She gave me an address and we said goodbye and hung up.

Emma's POV

It was 2pm.  I got some lunch and checked my social media. Joe had posted a picture of the view of London that we had on our first date. He put the caption 'amazing night.' I smiled at the screen and chuckled to myself. I called Charlotte (my best friend)


ME: Hey!

CHARLOTTE: So... Any news?

Me: Er... yeah actually. I've been going on a few dates recently with a guy.


me: I didn't wan to make a big deal of it!

Charlotte: So, is it anyone I know?

Me: I don't know. Maybe. It's Joe Sugg.

Charlotte: As in Joe Sugg the youtuber?!

Emma: Yeah, that's him!

Charlotte: No way! Well is it going well?

ME: Yeah I think so. I really do like him but I don't know if he feels the same.

Charlotte: I'm sure he does. You're beautiful, smart and have an amazing personality. Well I've got to go but good luck with it all!

I packed a bag of clean clothes, water, pointe shoes and shower stuff and got a taxi through the city to Centre Stage Dance Studios. It was 5pm when I arrived. I walked in and instantly felt more relaxed. I put on my pointe shoes and tied the ribbons round my ankles put on a high pace ballet piece and started to dance. I started at the bar to warm up and slowly built up my speed. I put all my energy into it and I could feel myself getting hotter but I didn't stop. I danced like I've never danced before. I knew I was dancing well, better than I have danced for a while. The music ended and I stopped. I was breathing heavily. I turned around to go to the showers and there stood Joe with a slightly shocked grin on his face.

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