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"Bye, guys. I had a great time Emma." Caspar said and he hugged Emma as he left . He was going back to our apartment and I had already told him I was staying over with Emma.

I sat down on the sofa next to Emma. I leant in and kissed her, she put her hands on the back of my head deepening the kiss. My lips left her mouth and worked the way down her neck she let out a quiet moan and I knew I found her sweet spot. I nibbled on her neck then worked my way back to her lips. I slipped my tongue into her mouth until I had dominance. I picked her up still kissing her and she wrapped her legs around my waist and made my way to her room and shut the door with my foot so not to break the kiss. I placed her on the bed and pulled her shirt over her head and she did the same to me. You know what happened next.

~The next morning~

I was woken up by my alarm at 10am and Emma wasn't beside me. I found a note on the end of the bed it read:

Morning Joe :) Just gone for a run to clear my head. Love you, E x

I got out of bed just in my boxers and ate some cereal. I put on black skinny jeans and my Christmas jumper from yesterday. I put on my shoes and wrote Emma a note:

I had an amazing Christmas with you, I love you lots. Your dad left this note yesterday. Try not to worry about it.  J :) x

I put the paper that Emma's dad gave me yesterday next to my note. I left Emma's apartment and locked the door with the spare key she gave me. I drove home and let myself in my apartment. I took a shower and put a clean pair of jeans on and a t-shirt. I styled my hair and sat at my computer watching peoples videos and replying to emails.

I got a call from Emma.

J: Hi beautiful.

E: Hi Joe, Have you read this letter from my dad?

J: no babe, I haven't.

E: He wants to meet up with me.

J: And do you want to meet with him?

E: No. But what if he's changed and if I don't go, I'll never know.

J: I would go. He might have changed you don't want to regret not going.

E: You're right. Thank you. I love you

I sighed as I ended the call thinking about how much I really do love her. I rang her back.

E: Hi again.

J: I want to introduce you to my youtube friends as my girlfriend.

E: Okay. You want to invite them all round for a new year party and tell them then?

J: Good idea. I'll talk to you later. I love you baby.

Emma's POV

I decided (with help from Joe) that I would meet my dad because I would probably always wonder what he wanted to say. I rang the number that was on the bottom of the letter.

"Hi dad. " I said.

"Hello Emma." He replied

"I've decided that I want to meet with you." I said

"Thank you, Emma. Should we meet at Starbucks at 4pm?" He asked

"Okay, I'll see you then." I said and hung up.

I took a shower and put on black skinny jeans and a black top with daisies on with some ugg boots. I put my hair into a high ponytail and did my makeup naturally. I grabbed my phone and purse and left for Starbucks. I decided to walk there. I ordered my drink and as I was about to pay my dad came up next to me and paid for me. We sat down and sipped our drinks.

"There is a reason I left you and your mother." He said. I stayed quiet. "I was an alcoholic." He said. I looked at him shocked.

"I.. I didn't know." I said quietly.

"I know. I don't expect you to and I don't expect you to forgive me for leaving you. I thought you would be better off without me if I was an alcoholic." He said.

"I cant believe mum never told me." I said.

"I should have told you. I should have rung or come to visit you and tell you." He said.  "I'm so sorry, Emma. There wasn't a day where I didn't regret everything I did. I want you to know that just because I left I never stopped loving you." He said. I held his hands. As we left the coffee shop I gave him a hug.

"We will have to meet up again soon." I said as we walked our separate ways.

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