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Emma's POV

Joe arrived at my apartment at 4am. He walked in and gave me a hug and a kiss. Then we got a call saying our taxi was waiting outside. We put our bags in the taxi and had a short journey to the airport. I paid the taxi driver.

"I kinda forgot to tell you the tickets are 1st class." I said

"I can't believe your mum paid for this." Joe said.

We checked in and went through security. We were sat waiting to board the plane.

"Have you read any comments on your video?" I asked Joe.

"Er, no. Would you like to?" Joe said.

"Yeah, I want to know what people think of me." I said.

I got my mac out of my bag and read through the comments on the video.

OMG! I cant believe it!

Stay away bitch! Joe's mine!

Aw, they are so cute! I ship Jemma x

There was more along these lines.

"Well?" Joe said.

"Most of them are nice. Some are jealous but I wasn't expecting everyone to be nice." I said.

Joe hugged me.

"I'm really looking forward to this! I've always wanted to go to Australia!" Joe said.

"I'm excited too! My mum said it's really hot at the minute." I said

"Good. I'm ready to catch some rays." Joe said and put his hands behind his head. We both laughed at him then we were told we could board the plane.

About 3 hours into the flight Joe fell asleep with his head on my shoulder he looked so cute. I took a picture and put it on my instagram with the comment 'Sleepy boy *Cry laughing face emoji* *Heart emoji*' It got loads of likes and people started following me.

A few hours later Joe woke up.

"Bit tired?" I asked while Joe yawned and stretched.

"Just a bit." Joe said. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" Joe asked.

"Yeah sure." I said and we decided to watch Insurgent.

I fell asleep half way through and woke up to the sound of Joe vlogging.

"Oh, and Emma's woken up." He stared laughing as I pulled a grumpy face at the camera.

"Joe, stop." I said and laughed too.

"I've got to say, this flight is very loooonnnggggg. I think we have at least another 9 hours left." Joe said.

We decided to get some more sleep until the flight ended. I woke up and heard the cabin crew say that we were about to land. I woke up Joe.

"Joe, baby?" I said gently tapping his shoulder.

"Joe we're landing." Joe opened his eyes and smiled at me excitedly.

When the plane had landed we quickly got out the airport and into a taxi on the way to my mum's house in Sydney. I haven't been to this house before. She use to live in Canberra  but moved recently to a bigger house right next to the beach. Joe got out hi vlogging camera and starting vlogging us in the taxi.

"So we're FINALLY off the plane and on the way to Emma's mum's house and then we're going to the hotel. Right Emma?" Joe said pointing the camera at me.

"Yep. Joe slept a lot on the plane so I have a feeling he is going to be really jet lagged. We shouldn't be in the car much longer." I said.

"Just look at this weather!" Joe said. "Hope all you people in the northern hemisphere are enjoying winter!"

Joe's POV

We arrived at Emma's mum's house. It was a large modern house that looked onto the beautiful Sydney beaches. Emma walked up to the door and Emma's mum was already standing at the door.

"Mum!" She yelled and ran up to her mum and gave her a big hug.

"I've missed you so much!" She said.

"Mum, this is Joe." Emma said.

"Hi, Joe. It's a pleasure to meet you. Come in!" Emma's mum said (Sarah)

We walked into the living room and there sat on he sofa was a woman about Sarah's age and a girl about my age. She had lovely curly brown hair and amazing bright blue eyes.

"Emma, you remember Vicky? And her daughter Lucy." Sarah said pointing to the woman and the pretty girl sat next to her.

A/N they're finally in Australia and here is the new character Lucy! Some drama will happen when Emma, Joe and Lucy become friends. And thank you to the person who recommended the name and looks of Lucy - you know who you are!! x

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