When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No, I won't be afraid
Oh, I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand
Stand by me
Isaac POV
My last calm, good night was two weeks ago when I finally decided to kiss Alexandra. The afternoon in the ice-skating rink was fun too. She warned us about Derek, but how could I resist his offer if it could have helped me protect myself?
Little did I know then that my father would get killed by some supernatural being that now haunts Beacon Hills. Since Jackson is an a** hole and testified that he saw a heated discussion between my father and me, I am now a wanted fugitive. Talking about changes in just a few days.
The first full moon was brutal. I almost got killed by a hunter, and then I almost attacked Stiles; Derek was the one who made me stop. Since then, I have been in hiding mode, and I regret not being able to contact Alexandra the most. I kissed her and then disappeared on her like nothing.
She probably hates me.
Derek told me she was pleading my case with Sheriff Stilinsksi. He also mentioned he tried offering the bite to Lexi, but she didn't let him even finish the pitch.
I should have heard her warning, although there are definitely some cool benefits like strength, hearing, and speed.
Derek has been teaching me how all this works, and he has already added one more beta to the pack, Erica Reyes. I also know Scott McCall is a beta, but he doesn't follow Derek's rules.
I am trying to get used to this world, and in the process, I miss Alexandra terribly because she is the only one that helps me feel at peace.
These past weeks have been bizarre. Isaac disappeared as he evaporated in thin air. I was so mad with Sheriff Stilinski when I found out he had taken Isaac into custody; he knew what was happening with his dad; how could he think Isaac was a suspect? I got so mad that I clashed with Sheriff, Stiles, and Jackson.
+++ Flashback+++
As I was about to enter the classroom, the teacher told me I was needed in the office.
"Lexi, I know you came to talk to me about this a few days ago. Do you know where Isaac was last night? It is my understanding that you two are friends."
"Sheriff, you are a good man, but this is all B.S.! You were supposed to protect him; once more, the system fails us, the ones with nobody.
Isaac is the victim here, and you know it. He would not kill a fly.
You were too busy trying to find miss princess Lydia while Isaac was dealing with his dad," I was rambling at a very high volume, and the Sheriff was surprised by my reaction.
"Again, Lexi, please calm down. We need to follow protocol, but based on Jackson's testimony, there could be a motive, so for now, Isaac is a suspect."
I glared at the Sheriff and stormed out of the office, running outside to see Isaac looking back from the police car.
That was the last time I saw him, and I wasn't aware of how attached I had become to him because these past weeks have been torture.
In the middle of this situation, Danny and Boyd tried to make me feel better. In fact, Boyd even offered to sing with me the other night, but I was not really in the mood, so I just chatted a little with him.
"Hey, don't put that face. Isaac will show up when everything is cleared; you will see."
"I hope you are right; I can't help but feel guilty; maybe if I had pushed the Sheriff more to act on my suspicions about Isaac's dad, he wouldn't be in this mess now."
"Alexandra, the 'what ifs' never help, plus you did more than Jackson. C'mon, I am used to your frown face in school, but here I like the smiling, friendly waitress," he says with a grin and then signals Jessica to put on some fun music.
"Thank you, Boyd; you are one of my favorite members of the outcast, overworked teens club."
"Lexi, there are only three of us in that so-called club of yours, so not sure how big of an honor is that."
"Dude, accept the compliment...I hardly have any favorite people," I say, smiling.
He suddenly changed his demeanor.
"What's up with you, big guy?"
"Urgh, I don't know. I have been thinking a lot about many things, and I think I need to start changing my life; I feel so alone."
"Hey, what about me? You can hang with me in school if you want—I don't eat in the cafeteria, but you are always welcome in the music room.
I want you to be happy, but whatever you plan to do, please be safe and don't discard me as Isaac did. My club is starting to get pretty isolated again," I said.
"I don't know what is up with Isaac, but trust me, you have been the only nice person to me in a long while. You know about my sister, and you have never brought that up.
I will never stop being your VIP club member. Plus, who is going to hook me up with the milkshakes," says Boyd putting a hand on my shoulder and giving me a wink.
I pretend to be offended, "Oh, I see, our friendship is out of convenience. I think I am going to revoke your membership in my exclusive club," he laughs and promises that he will see me again soon.
"Boyd, whatever you do, seriously, please be careful."

The Wallflower and The Werewolf (Isaac Lahey Teen Wolf)
FanfictionWhat happens when a wallflower girl meets a guy who decides to take the werewolf bite? Will their relationship bloom or wither? Alexandra's POV I ignored the panicky warning signals in my brain and opened the door to the beaten figure outside the di...