Chapter 4: Needing You

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God only knows where this could go

And even if our love starts to grow outta controlAnd you and me go up in flamesHeaven won't be the same

During these pasts weeks after the rave and Matt's death, Isaac has been to the diner a few times. My suspicions about Boyd joining "Derek's cult" or whatever is happening are true. Now, they show up with Erica. They look like they get along well, and after talking with the three of them a few times, I like Erica too.

Once she joined the "cult," she became a pain, but now I think she is not as b**chy as I initially thought.

+++++ THE GAME ++++

The big lacrosse game is tonight, and Boyd and Erica came to tell me they are leaving town for a while. They mention that Isaac might join them. I can't believe I had my friends back for a bit of time, and they are abandoning me again.

I ask them to be careful and give them food for the road.

"Erica, I'll give you honorary membership to our outcast, overworked teens club. Please take care of my big guy here. Do you mind if I talk to him alone for just a few minutes?" Erica nodded without saying a word. I could tell her apprehension regarding this decision.

"Boyd, I was a runaway once; that life is dangerous and difficult; please tell me how I can help you? I am no one to try to change your mind, but I care for you. Plus, what about your parents, you know, after Alicia," I held my tongue and stopped right there because I knew that was a sad subject for him.

"Anyway, sorry, I am just worried about all of you. But I promise I will have your milkshake ready; please come back soon," I say with a massive knot in my throat.

"Alexandra don't worry. I just need a break, but we will be back. You know, after Alicia, my father has not been the same with me, which is part of the reason my life has gone to shit," by now, the tears building in my eyes are threatening to come down, butI can't do that, I can't cry in front of them.

"Don't do that; you know I like the happy Lexi in the diner. I'll be back for that milkshake," said Boyd trying to convince us both that all would be fine. "And by the way, you might need to update the name of your club—you are the only one working now," said my dear friend winking his eyes and giving me one of his bear hugs.

I try to smile, but I have a horrible gut feeling that things might not work out; I blame my hyper-anxious brain for the thoughts and try to brush my concerns away.

The fact that Erica mentioned Isaac was leaving with them hurt even more. I know tonight the diner will be chaotic, as it always happens after a game, but Jessi noticed my concerned face and let me go for a while to the game.

"Lexi, you know how much I have been waiting for you to ask me to do something socially related to your school. I can handle this, and Manny can always cover for a bit. Go, Cyclones!" she says with a smile.

I got there, and the game is already in progress. The other team is literally destroying us. Scott is on the bench, and I can tell he is nervous. I waved at Danny, planted in the goalie area but with his eyes fixed on Jackson.

Danny mentioned earlier this week that he is worried about Jackson because he has been acting weirder than ever in the last couple of days. Honestly, I don't think Jackson deserves a friend like Danny.

In any case, I scan the field and the benches realizing that Isaac is not here. He left and didn't even say goodbye.

Have you ever felt that weird sensation when something bothers you, making your heart shrink in your chest, and you feel it starts beating differently and painfully? That's how my heart is acting now, and my eyes get teary for the second time today, I hate that feeling.

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