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As you usually did during summer vacations, you visited your grandma in Beach City. Stepping off the bus, you took a deep breath of the fresh coastal air.

"Beach City," you murmured, appreciating the beautiful town that offered a perfect escape from the stress of studies and people. With its low population, every person you encountered in town would inquire if you were new.

Before heading to your grandma's house, you decided to grab a snack. You made your way to the fry shop and greeted Peedee, the friendly blonde kid behind the counter.

"Hey, Peedee. Can I have the usual?" you asked with a smile.

"Nice to see you again. Has it been a whole year?" Peedee replied, preparing the fries. He handed them over to you.

"Yeah, school is the worst," you said, taking a bite. "Thanks! I'll see you around." You waved goodbye, and Peedee returned the gesture.

With keys in hand, you opened the door to your grandma's house. She was sitting on the couch, engrossed in her favorite TV show. As she turned to look at you, her face lit up with a smile.

"Ohhh! My baby is finally here!" she exclaimed, getting up from the couch and showering you with grandma kisses.

"Grandma!" you chuckled, stopping her kisses and embracing her tightly. "It's so nice to see you."

Your grandma noticed the fries in your hand and expressed mock betrayal. "Are those fries?! Right before I start cooking?!" she exclaimed.

"Sorry, Grandma! I was just really hungry. It's still early, though. I was hoping we could take a walk around town before lunch," you apologized.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my dear, but my knee is acting up. However, if you're going for a walk..." She paused, went to her bedroom, and returned with something in her hands. "If you happen to see a boy with a star on his shirt, could you give him this? It's for his father, who is such a sweetheart." She handed you a chocolate box.

"Oh... Sure. What's his name?" you asked, noticing the fancy box.

"His name is Steven Universe, and his father is Greg Universe. Although, I must warn you..." your grandma said, adopting a cautious tone.

You looked at her with curiosity. "Go on..."

"Well, please don't mention his mother under any circumstances. His family is sensitive about that topic," she explained, leaving you slightly confused.

"Family?" you inquired.

"Well... He lives with his... Aunts? Or maybe older sisters? Caretakers? Guardians? Nobody exactly knows, but they're all really sweet. So, please don't bring up his mother, may she rest in peace," your head tilted slightly, but you nodded.

"Okay. Thank you for the warning, grandma." You hugged her goodbye and left.

You found a bench in the park and settled down to relax. Checking your phone, you noticed multiple notifications. "I'll reply to these later. Today is for unwinding," you thought, putting your phone on silent and returning it to your pocket.

As you looked around, you spotted a kid running towards the fry shop. He began hitting the counter with his fists, exclaiming, "The Bits! The Bits!" Peedee let out a sigh, clearly familiar with the routine. You couldn't help but giggle at the sight, and then your eyes fell on his shirt-a pink shirt with a yellow star.

Gasping, you walked over to him. "Excuse me, are you Steven Universe?" you asked, meeting his curious gaze.

"The one and only," he replied, tapping his shirt. "I've never seen you before. Are you new in town?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

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