Chocolate box

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"Hah! I told you I'd win this time!" you exclaimed in victory as Steven laughed.

"Okay, okay," he replied, but then his gaze shifted. "Garnet must've kissed me on the forehead by mistake... I just saw Amethyst eating the chocolate box," he mumbled, catching you off guard.

"She what now?" you asked, taken aback by his statement.

Steven looked at you, realizing he hadn't explained himself. "Oh, well... When Garnet kisses me on the forehead, I can see the future," he explained. "C'mon, let's stop Amethyst from eating my dad's chocolate!" He grabbed your arm and pulled you along, the confusion still evident on your face.

However, it was too late. Amethyst had already opened the box and devoured its contents. "My grandma is going to be so mad at me," you said nervously to Steven. As you both pondered what to do next, a hand gently rested on your shoulder.

"Amethyst, those weren't yours. They were Greg's. You should apologize immediately," a stoic voice said from behind you, with the same British accent that had captivated you before. You turned to look at Garnet and blushed instantly when she returned your gaze, causing you to quickly shift your focus back to Amethyst.

Amethyst blushed slightly at the sight of you. "Sorry, guys," she muttered.

Garnet's grip on your shoulder tightened as she noticed Amethyst's blush. "Now, worry not. I'll accompany you to get new chocolates for Greg, and we'll deliver them personally to him to ensure no further inconveniences occur," she said, her words causing your face to turn even redder.

"Th-thank you," you managed to reply, feeling the warmth of her presence.

"Oh! Can I come too?" Steven asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Check the future," Garnet said, her tone more stoic.

Although they didn't reveal what the future held, Steven saw Garnet indicating that if he said no, she would share a cool secret with him.

"Oh... The future holds something... else for me," Steven faked, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh... Well... I guess I'll see you around, Steven," you said, feeling Garnet's hand still resting on your shoulder, which only made your face grow hotter.

As you walked toward the shop with Garnet, you couldn't help but voice your curiosity. "So... um... you can see the future?"

She nodded. "Yes, I can see all of the possibilities... well, most of them," she replied, her shades faintly glowing. You looked away, feeling a mix of embarrassment and fascination.

"That's so... amazing," you said, the pink on your cheeks illuminating your face.

"Thank you," she said, looking forward as you continued your walk together.

Upon arriving at the shop, you picked out the same chocolate box. "We should take these before they melt. It's really hot outside, almost as hot as..." you paused, realizing the direction your words were taking.

"Almost as hot as a desert," she finished the sentence for you.

"Yes... precisely," you replied, relieved that she didn't understand.

She smiled teasingly at you. "You're so cute when you blush," she remarked, before walking to the cashier. You stood there, wide-eyed, trying to collect your thoughts.

"That'll be all?" the cashier asked, snapping you back to reality. You nodded and paid for the chocolates.

As you stepped outside the shop with Garnet, you couldn't help but ask about the time. "Hey... do you know what time it is?" you inquired, traces of worry evident in your voice.

"Um..." she stared into the void, likely checking a future where she asked someone about the time. "It's one o'clock," she finally replied.

"Oh... Grandma must be finished by now. Could you take the chocolates to Greg for me? And thank you so much for everything," you said, handing her the box.

"You know, I just saw a future where you hugged me goodbye," she said, her teasing smile returning.

Your face turned even redder at her words, but you nodded. You wrapped your arms around her gently, and she reciprocated, holding you warmly. Not wanting to make it uncomfortable, you ended the embrace after a couple of seconds, though you secretly wished it could last longer. You waved goodbye and walked away, your heart bouncing with joy.

You knocked on the door, and your grandma opened it. "Oh! Just in time! I just finished cooking your favorite!" she exclaimed, inviting you inside. After enjoying a rather delicious meal, you decided to take a refreshing shower and check your notifications.

"What?" you exclaimed, seated on the toilet, noticing that you had 14 missed calls from your mother. Without hesitation, you immediately called her back.

"Mom?!" you exclaimed in a desperate tone once she answered.

"Sweetie, I'm really sorry," she replied in a somber voice.

"What happened?!" you asked, your voice trembling with worry.

"We received news from your grandma's hospital. She's not doing well, but she's determined to spend this summer with you. She refuses to stay in the hospital. Please, you have to convince her and come back home. It's not safe for you to stay alone there," your mother explained, causing tears to well up in your eyes.

You looked at the phone for a moment, analyzing every bit of information you had. "She seemed perfectly fine just a few minutes ago..." you thought to yourself.

"Baby? I know it's hard, and I know how much you wanted to escape the city, but you have to return home with us," your mother pleaded, her voice filled with concern.

"If I stayed with a friend... could I stay here until grandma gets better?" you asked, a glimmer of hope in your voice.

"Oh... Well... Of course. But I'd like to talk to your friend's parents to make sure," she replied, and you smiled, feeling a wave of relief wash over you.

"Okay... Talk to you soon. I love you," you finished the call and hung up.

You stood up from the toilet seat, exited the bathroom, and found yourself face-to-face with your grandma. "I heard... I know. Just promise you'll come visit me often, sweetie pie," she said, wrapping her arms around you in a warm embrace.

As you walked out of the house, you suddenly bumped into someone, causing you both to collide. "I'm sorry... I—Steven?" you asked, looking at the kid with a star.

"I looked into the future! And the answer is yes, you can stay with me until your grandma gets better," he said with a warm smile. Overwhelmed with emotion, you continued sobbing and hugged him tightly, wetting his shirt with your tears—now tears of happiness.

"Thank you so much," you managed to say amidst your tears, and he returned the hug.

"The gems say they're okay with it, but in my experience, you should ask Pearl to talk to your mother about it. The other two are... complicated in that circumstance," he scratched the back of his neck, and you tilted your head in confusion. "I'll tell you later, but for now, let's get all of your stuff packed."

Once you were done, you walked towards the Crystal Temple. "Are you sure you can carry all of that?" you asked Steven, who was shouldering all of your luggage.

"Yeah, it's kind of one of my gem powers anyway," he reassured you with a smile.

"Hey, about Garnet having two gems instead of one..." you began with curiousity .

"Oh, that's because she's a fusion!" Steven exclaimed excitedly.

"A fusion? What's that?" you asked, unfamiliar with the term.

"Well, gems can combine and merge into a single being. Ruby and Sapphire, who make up Garnet, are deeply in love with each other and can't stand being apart, so they choose to be Garnet all the time. I don't think it's healthy for humans, but gems can pull it off," Steven explained, with the bags in front of him, was oblivious to the somber expression on your face. "Hey, are you feeling okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

You forced a smile and replied, "Oh, it's nothing. Let's keep moving."

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