I'm sorry you feel that way

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"C'mon. It's just a little favor. I'll pay it back to you," she pleaded, her hands moving up and down your body. You hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond.

"Don't. Ever. Touch. Me. AGAIN!" you shouted, jolting awake from your dream. Panting heavily, you glanced beside you and found Garnet seated across from you, her steady gaze meeting yours.

Garnet leaned closer, concern evident in her eyes. The room was shrouded in darkness, making it difficult to read her expression. "I checked the future," she said gently, reaching out to stroke your hair. "I know you didn't have a restful sleep." The memory of your nightmare sent shivers down your spine.

"Did I wake anyone up?" you asked, a tinge of worry lacing your voice.

"We don't really need to sleep. The only one who does is Steven, and he's resting soundly like a log," Garnet reassured, her fingers continuing to weave through your hair. Blushing at the tender touch, you were grateful for the dim lighting that hid your embarrassment.

"Garnet?" you whispered, feeling a mix of vulnerability and longing.

"Yes?" she responded, her hand still gently resting on your head.

"Could you stay here? At least until I fall asleep again?" The blush intensified on your face as you made the request, unsure of how she would react.

Her expression shifted briefly, a hint of surprise passing over her features before a warm smile graced her lips. "Of course," she replied, her voice filled with understanding. Garnet moved closer, taking a seat beside you. Her touch was comforting as she continued to caress your body, and you couldn't help but notice the soothing sensation of her gem against your skin. Sensing your need for closeness, you wrapped your arms around her, silently conveying your desire for her presence. She understood without words and embraced you tightly, cuddling up with you as you drifted back to sleep.

The next morning, you awoke to the realization that the pillow you clutched tightly was a poor substitute for the warmth of Garnet's embrace. Disappointment filled your heart as the realization dawned on you that it was likely just a dream. However, your eyes fell upon her shades resting on the table nearby. Before you could dwell on it further, the sound of the temple door opening drew your attention. The Queen of your thoughts herself, her three eyes radiant and beautiful, approached you.

"Someone looks well-rested," she remarked, her gaze fixing on you. A rosy blush painted your cheeks as you realized her eyes had captured your disheveled appearance.

"Did it really happ-?" you began to ask, your voice trailing off as she interrupted you.

"Of course it did," Garnet replied, joining you on the couch and playfully picking up her visors from the table, winking at you before returning them. A small smile played on her lips, and you couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope.

"Steven told me yesterday that Pearl was her favorite mother," you commented, a snitch tone entering your voice.

Garnet widened her eyes dramatically, feigning betrayal. "Oh... No. Treason is invading me," she responded mockingly, prompting both of you to share a quiet chuckle, careful not to disturb Steven's slumber.

In that moment, the words "I'd rather you be my mommy" threatened to slip from your lips, but you managed to catch yourself. Deep down, you suspected that Garnet could already read your mind, especially because of what she said next.

"You're like an open book. Of course, I know what you're about to say, not only because I've checked possible paths," she remarked, her words causing your blush to intensify. "And you're also so cute when you blush."

Surprised by her candid observation, you searched for words or actions to respond, but your desires seemed to grow more distant and unattainable with each passing second. "I-I can't do this," you finally muttered, your voice filled with resignation.

Garnet raised an eyebrow, her expression reflecting her confusion. "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"You're a fusion, a fusion made of love. You're even married!" you exclaimed, pointing to the rings adorning her hands. "And not only that, you're perfect—the perfect relationship. I'll probably never meet Ruby and Sapphire, because there's no need for me to, there's no reason to split up because you are better than any reason to," you continued, noticing the darkening of Garnet's expression. "So why do you keep flirting with me?!" You closed your eyes, unable to bear the weight of the situation.

The air grew heavy with tension as Garnet processed your words. Her hand moved as if to offer comfort but retreated. "I'm sorry you feel that way," she said quietly before standing up and heading back to her room.

Overwhelmed by a flood of emotions, you curled up on the couch and began to sob. Of course, you thought to yourself, why would she feel otherwise? She's even married. Just as despair threatened to consume you, a gentle touch landed on your shoulder. Startled, you looked up to find Steven standing there, his concerned eyes meeting yours.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice filled with empathy. Taking a moment to compose yourself, you turned to face him, your eyes still red from tears.

"If I tell you," you began, sniffling. "Promise me you won't laugh."

Steven settled down next to you on the couch, nodding earnestly. "I promise. Please, tell me." With a heavy heart, you explained the source of your distress.

"I... I kinda have a crush. Well, not kinda, I really do have a big crush on Garnet," you admitted, your face turning pure red at the revelation.

"Wait, you do?!" Steven exclaimed, his shock tinged with delight and you found his reaction odd.

"Yeah... I thought it was obvious," you mumbled, feeling a twinge of embarrassment.

"Then what's the problem? Garnet can't stop talking about how beautiful you are. I told her, 'Garnet, you've got a crush on her,' and she was all like, 'No, because I am already a relationship.' But I explained to her that she's only one being, and us humans can fall in love regardless of the components. And she was like, 'Oh, the stars, Ruby and Sapphire feel it, but she might not like them.' And I was all, 'Oh, but who cares? You're never unfused anyways. And honestly, I also prefer you as Garnet.' So, I convinced her to talk to you," Steven paused, his gaze fixed on your face, which was still marked by traces of tears. "Please tell me that my speech worked," he pleaded, his concern evident.

You shook your head, disappointment weighing heavily on your shoulders. "I- Thank you for your efforts, really. But I don't think it worked out," you replied, rubbing your tired eyes.

"What went wrong?!" Steven exclaimed, moving closer in an attempt to offer comfort.

"She's fully aware of my feelings, always laughs at my blushing and constantly flirts with me. I asked her to be honest about her own feelings, about Ruby and Sapphire, about her marriage, but all she said was, 'I'm sorry you feel that way.'" The words spilled out of you, a mixture of frustration and sadness.

Steven placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, his eyes filled with genuine empathy. "I know... I know it hurts to be rejected. But maybe she just wasn't ready to confront her own feelings yet. Please believe me when I say that Garnet is truly into you. I see her staring at you every day, just as I see you staring at her. You two have something special. Don't give up," he encouraged, his words carrying a glimmer of hope.

"I don't know if it'll work out," you admitted, your voice laced with uncertainty.

Steven's grip tightened on your shoulder, determination flashing in his eyes. "Love doesn't always follow a straight path... Especially when you're gay, but it's worth fighting for. Take a chance, talk to her again. Maybe this time, she'll be ready to open up. You deserve to know the truth," he said, offering you a small but reassuring smile.

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