I wish we just enjoyed

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Trepidation coursed through you; being nervous was one thing, but your current state of heightened drama was an entirely different realm. You clung to Garnet's arm as you made your way toward the hospital, your grip a testament to your inner turmoil. Yet, Garnet didn't exhibit any sign of discomfort, and with Steven walking ahead, his obliviousness shielded him from the scene you were enacting.

"I know... I'll miss you," Garnet's lips brushed your forehead, her affectionate gesture contrasting the intensity of your grasp, which showed no signs of relenting.

Your emotions churned, the weight of decision evident in your voice. "I'm... I'm just worried, I don't want to hurt any of you... What future do I take? What do I do?" you admitted, a tear teetering on the edge of your eye as Garnet exhaled softly, her understanding palpable.

"Paths are not black and white; each holds its own allure and its own set of consequences. What remains true is your ability to find happiness amidst any outcome. It's your well-being that should hold precedence; let go of stress and worries, as they have no place here." Garnet's fingers danced through your hair, a touch so delicate it bordered on enchantment, coaxing your heartbeat to a steadier rhythm and soothing your racing thoughts. "And my own happiness is my own business, and it's a business I can take care of myself, don't worry about me, the happiness that should matter to you is yours and yours only," she offered a reassuring smile, one that carried familiarity, yet beneath it, you detected a flicker of insecurity she struggled to hide.

Your voice trembled as uncertainty laced your question. "But what about us? Don't we matter too?" And with her puzzled expression, you figured you had caught Garnet off guard, her response revealing her unanticipated contemplation.

"I- I mean- We... do matter, we matter to ourselves, but you... You matter so to so many people more than just me, our own significance only lies within the context of each other. Prioritizing your own well-being is paramount," Garnet deliberated, each word measured. "I- I didn't want to tell you this, but now that you've said that, it's going to hurt more to wait, so... Here it goes." With a deep breath, she discarded her shades, her gaze distant as she checked that, indeed, Steven was snooping your conversation, not that she would do much about that. "For the next decade, your grandmother's health will remain stable. Beyond that..."

The realization elicited a sigh laden with a mixture of emotions. "Oh..." Your exhalation was heavy, mirroring the weight of the news you'd just received. "Please, continue."

"In the envisioned future, Beach City becomes a trigger for painful memories. Faced with this, you make the... Hard decision to distance yourself," Garnet's words flowed, and in the absence of her signature shades, you beheld the shimmer of tears adorning her eyes, a testament to the depth of her emotions.

"You mean... Moving away?" You paused for a moment. "And would you come with me?" Hope infused your question, a longing for unity threading your words.

"No," her response held a cool edge, her gaze averted. "We end up having an argument, because I'm a part of Beach City after all, I also end up reminding you of her..."

You guided her gaze back to yours, sealing your question with a tender kiss. "Please... Tell me that is the worst-case scenario, not the most likely." Her smile softened, her touch on your cheek comforting.

"Now that you're aware, the future becomes... malleable..." Her hesitation lingered, her vulnerability exposed. "It rests on your choices, my love. Though... We would be so happy if you chose to stay with us." She enveloped you, her lips brushing your ear, cautious of Steven's proximity. "Someday, Steven will leaves us, and whether he returns is uncertain. The temple remains open to you. Time stretches ahead, you've still got a whole collage career to course before taking that decision, I think that's enough space for contemplation."

With a gentle kiss on your forehead, she relinquished her embrace, the physical distance creating room for the emotional distance you hadn't realized you needed. Your grip on her arm slackened, a tacit sign of acknowledgment. She held your hand, exerting a gentle squeeze. "I- I don't want to hurt anyone." Your eyes watery as you opened up your feelings inside you.

"I know you don't... Of course you don't, you're too sweet to," she sighed, absorbing your confession. "Your journey, your choices, they are uniquely yours. Never lose sight of that," her gaze bore into yours, bestowing upon you the permission to breathe freely.

Tears pooled in your eyes, a mirror to your vulnerability. "I just want to be happy, what do I do? What are the best choices I can take?" Your plea was laced with earnestness, Garnet's discomfort palpable.

"There isn't- You can't just- Look, that is something you must figure out yourself, becaue you might regret some things at first, but eventually you might just realize they were the best option all along, or maybe they brought new opportunities with them. Your life is going to be yours, and I promise to make sure of it, so, please, don't let anybody take control of it, you're the one living it after all, and I'm here to accompany you in it, not to tell you how to live it, that is your thing... Please, promise me you'll remember that," she whispered, her touch drawing your hand close to her chest, a silent plea echoing through her eyes before mouthing again, "Please."

"I'm scared, Garnet, I really am, I've just been told today that my biggest dream since I was a kid might not become true and all because of my incapacity to confront a loss as big as my grandma. I just want my dream back, please," your voice wavered, fear and longing intertwining. "I don't want to do anything stupid, I don't want to lose you, I-" You stopped the words as you realized, "...I've been wanting to talk to you about this for a while, it's-"

Garnet's arms enveloped you, her embrace cutting through your words. "You don't have to do this if you're not ready.. I understand, really, I-"

"Of, course, of course you do, you already saw it, didn't you?" Your gaze shifted toward Steven, whose unease was apparent. "Steven, could you sprint towards the hospital? I need to talk to Garnet, alone." He complied, granting you solitude with Garnet. You turned back to her, a plea evident in your eyes. "You already know everything about it, don't you? That her name was Sabina, that she made me miserable for years, that she's the reason I started despising living in Empire City, and that she made me hide in Beach City during the summers. Of course you do, of course you already saw it... You know how bad it'll hurt me to leave, to leave you... So why don't you want to... frigging tell me what can I do to stop it?! You're the best I've ever had... I just want to keep you by my side." Emotions surged within you, threatening to overflow, and Garnet's arms tightened around you, her hand cradling your head as you surrendered to the catharsis of tears.

Guiding you to a nearby bench, Garnet settled beside you, her touch a grounding force. "I don't want to fight, please, let's just sit down and talk about this," she offered you a gentle hand.

"Garnet... We don't have the time to. Let's just go heal my grandma and-" Your words met yet another interruption.

"No!" Garnet seized your hand, her grip strong, pulling you nearer before releasing you and removing her shades. Her eyes were inflamed, glistening with evidence of her own recent tears. "I-I am so sorry, I-I didn't want to shout or force you to anything, I didn't want you to leave... I...I-" Her hand reached out, an apology etched in her gaze as you grappled with the unexpected.

Seated on the bench, vulnerability enveloped you, prompting you to fold in upon yourself. You hugged your legs, shielding your face, the contour of your back revealing the depth of your vulnerability. "I just want to help my grandma, can't we discuss later?" A diversion, avoiding the topic you dreaded confronting. Garnet appeared caught off guard.

"Oh..." Her hand withdrew as you averted your gaze. "If we don't discuss this now, you'll go back to your grandma's... And we won't be able to talk through this," she looked truly ashamed of her actions, "I'm sorry for-"

You really didn't want to talk about what she just did, "Why to talk? You can already check the future, you already know everything about it, now's up to me to make all the choices, wasn't that what you were trying to tell me?" You sighed, standing up, a mixture of exhaustion and determination. "My grandma isn't feeling well and I want to help her, I'm not mad at you... But please don't ever... Do that again." You pivoted to face her, your eyes reflecting the same weariness mirrored in her own. The effervescent flutter in your chest-undeniable whenever she was near-demanded restraint. You closed your eyes, the action a defense mechanism to quell the butterflies' dance. "Let's... Leave now, please." Your hand extended toward Garnet, an invitation she hesitatingly accepted.

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