Let me take a shower

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"That went... better than I expected," you remarked, your hands tightly clasped with Garnet's as you exited through the hospital's doors.

"I told you," she responded, moving her hand to your shoulder, pulling you closer to her.

"Wait, you actually knew!?" you exclaimed, turning to face her, and a playful grin curved her lips. "Of course you knew... You always know," you said, and she kissed you, a hint of apology in her gesture.

"I wanted it to be a surprise. Wish I had a secretly Bi-grandma too. Wish I had a grandma at all," she replied, and you nodded.

"Okay..." you hummed happily, briefly hugging her. "I still don't understand why she got so mad at you in the beginning."

"It's probably a part of herself she's struggling to accept, considering what you told me about this homophobia thing. Just as ridiculous as what was going on on Homeworld," she explained, her voice filled with honesty. "Though, I still don't understand why she's in the hospital."

Your expression turned puzzled at her words. "Wh-what?"

She peered into the future once again, confusion crossing her face. "I can't ask questions..."

"Oh... Right. She's in the hospital because she's ill. You do know that," you clarified, and her expression shifted further, as though she had heard the most illogical thing ever.

"You should tell Steven to heal her then," she suggested, it was your turn to be perplexed.

"Wh-what do you mean?" you asked, struggling to form coherent sentences.

"He's got healing spit. One lick, and she'll be good to go," she explained, causing your frown to deepen.

"H-Healing spit?!" you exclaimed, astonishment lacing your voice.

"Yes. He can basically cure anything, even death," she looked at you, removing her shades, sawing the expression of betrayal in your eyes, she finally understood. "I-I'm so sorry, I..." But this time, you were the one  interrupting her.

"I've been worried sick for... Weeks, and now I know that I had the greatest solution right in front of me, and nobody told me?!" you exclaimed, frustration turning your face red.

"I... I thought you already knew, I thought that's why you wanted to take Steven..." she said, then mumbled something to herself about contemplating a different timeline to herself.

"No! This is... How could you...?!" you brought your hands to your face, your voice cracking with every second.

"I truly am sorry. I want the best for you, I want you to be happy, I really do, I-" she began, but you interrupted her a second time.

"Visiting hours already ended today. I'll have to wait until Steven returns from Connie's house to talk to him," you said, realizing your anger wasn't directed at Garnet. That was... impossible. But you were disappointed. Couldn't she have seen that moment? It didn't matter anymore; you just wanted to take a shower and forget about the world for a moment.

Garnet placed a hand on your shoulder. You didn't move it away or react in any way, choosing to ignore it, and to Garnet, it felt even worse, making her move an honest hand to her chest. "I don't know everything, and everyone makes mistakes," she started, your gaze lowered as you tried to conceal the tears threatening to fall. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner, but at least you found out before it was too late."

Red, watery eyes adorned your face as you looked up at her again. You didn't want that; you didn't want her to feel responsible for it. Everyone else, even Steven, could have told you as well, but they didn't. You gazed at her face, without her visors, taking in her three beautiful eyes that you had completely fallen in love with. You couldn't bear to feel annoyed by her; you couldn't bear to feel anything towards her that didn't make your heart dance with joy. Unable to endure it any longer, you threw yourself into her arms and sobbed. She quickly enveloped you, her embrace comforting as she stroked your hair. "I'm sorry for getting mad," you said, the sound muffled against her chest.

She kissed your hair softly. "It's okay," she whispered, continuing to stroke your hair.

You held onto her waist tightly as you continued to sob. "No... No matter how hard I try, I can't be mature enough for you," you choked out between sobs, and Garnet gently separated your face from her chest, making you meet her gaze.

"You're trying hard enough. That's all I truly care about," she kissed you softly, caressing your cheek. "Let's go home now. I heard someone wanted to take a shower."

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