Beach time

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You arrived at the temple, tears still evident on your cheeks and a hint of redness lingering in your eyes. Steven carefully placed all your belongings on the inviting couch.

"I have a spare drawer upstairs for you to keep your stuff," Steven kindly offered, his voice filled with empathy. "Give me a moment, I'll grab a blanket for the couch." He disappeared upstairs, leaving you to reflect on the day's events. As you sat down on the couch-turned-bed, your gaze dropped to the floor. Lost in your thoughts, you absentmindedly traced random patterns on your thigh.

With a mix of worry and longing, you retrieved your phone from your pocket and dialed your grandma's number. Her familiar voice brought comfort and concern.

"Sweetie pie, is that you?" your grandma's warm voice greeted you.

"How are things going, grandma?" you asked, your voice a mixture of longing and affection. Your finger continued to trace the patterns on your thigh, a nervous habit you had developed over the years.

"It's going okay, my dear. Not much to report. Your parents reminded me to tell you to give them a call," she replied, her voice tinged with reassurance and concern.

"I will... I'm settling in at my friend's house, but I still need my parents' approval. It all happened so suddenly. Please, get better soon," you conveyed your love through the phone, ending with a virtual kiss.

After bidding farewell to your grandma, you set the phone down gently beside you. Footsteps approached from behind, and you turned to see Pearl walking toward you, wearing a gentle smile.

"What a heartwarming interaction," Pearl remarked, her voice filled with warmth and compassion.

"Oh, Pearl! Perfect! Or should I say, Pearlfect?" you replied, a playful grin tugging at your lips. Laughter from both of you filled the air, offering a brief respite from the weight of the day. "I could use your help in talking to my mom about me staying here," you continued, handing her your phone with your mother's contact ready to be dialed.

"I know, Garnet already informed me," Pearl replied, her voice soothing. Clearing her throat, she dialed the number. "Hello, this is Steven's mother. I wanted to let you know that your daughter will be staying with us until her grandma gets better," Pearl spoke with confidence, her words carrying a sense of reassurance and understanding.

After a series of questions that felt more like an interrogation, Pearl returned the phone to you with a smile. "Everything is settled. You will be staying with us."

"Wow, Steven was right. You truly are the ultimate mom," you remarked, gratitude flowing through your voice. A subtle blush tinted Pearl's cheeks, giving her a gentle glow.

You sighed as you settled into the couch, your mind still filled with thoughts and emotions. Suddenly, you heard a melodious voice behind you.

"Someone looks a little down," a familiar, soothing voice spoke, its British accent instantly recognizable.

You covered your face with a pillow, attempting to hide your vulnerability. "I feel like a squat," you mumbled into it, your words slightly muffled. Garnet couldn't help but giggle at your response, finding amusement in your choice of words. She gently removed the pillow from your face, revealing your reddened cheeks.

"You're not a squat. You're truly welcome to stay," Garnet assured you, her voice filled with warmth and kindness. She took a seat next to you, her presence comforting and soothing.

You sat up, feeling a tinge of embarrassment for your childish reaction. You looked at Garnet, her eyes filled with genuine interest. Your gaze then shifted to the palm of her hand, where a square-shaped gemstone gleamed.

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