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"Soo... Have you seen Garnet?" you asked Amethyst, who was standing on the opposite side of the kitchen.

"Uhh... She said something about the mataphysical form of the temple or whatever and left. Or was it meetaphysical?" She pondered while minding her own business.

"What does that mean?" You responded, stopping in your tracks.

She just shrugged. "Don't know, don't care, Pearl'll know," Amethyst said before taking the biggest bite of a giant torta. "Haven't seen her either though," she added, resting her head on her hand.

"You miss Steven too?" You asked, walking towards her.

"Yeah, it's weird not having him around. Meh, he'll be here tomorrow, don't know why I'm getting so emotional," she answered as you smiled warmly.

"That's because you love him. We all love him," you replied, giving her a small hug. "I can be your 'human company' while he's out."

"Nah, I'm alright," she said, a grateful grin displayed on her face. "I think Pearl's in her room," she responded before taking another huge bite.

"Thank you," you said as you ran towards the temple door, knocked on it, and a room filled with water fountains and Pearl dancing ballet displayed in front of you, leaving your mouth open.

Pearl looked at you, then behind you, waving to Amethyst. "Sorry, this is not a safe place for you," Pearl said, jumping gracefully off the fountain. "You wanted to talk?" She asked, leading you to the couch so you couldn't enter the temple.

"Oh, uh, have you seen Garnet?" You asked her, and she pondered in her head for a moment.

"I recall hearing her mention the metaphysical properties of the temple. She must be in her room," she replied with a smile.

"Oh... Cool. That's, um, it seems complicated," you said nervously. "Thank you."

"You are completely welcome!" She replied and walked towards Amethyst. You looked at them chatting and chuckling together and felt a warmth filling your heart. You were about to do the same when you heard a warp pad illuminating.

"Hey there! We're here to-" Peridot and Lapis appeared on it, their expressions radiating with delight until they saw you, at which point it shifted to confusion.

"Steven's not here?" Lapis asked.

"He's sleeping over at Connie's," you answered, and they both sighed.

"Guess we'll come back here tomorrow then," Peridot said.

"Goodbye, everyone!" Lapis added, and you three waved them goodbye as they teleported back again.

"What was that about?" You asked Amethyst and Pearl once they left, their faces as confused as yours.

"No idea," Amethyst answered, taking another bite of her burrito.

"Maybe they just wanted to visit Steven?" Pearl suggested, and you nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, that'll be it," you responded. You tried to walk towards them and were interrupted once again.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around your neck from behind. "Thank you for distracting her," Garnet said to Amethyst and Pearl before kissing your head.

"Ohhhh! that's what you told us to do! I understood 'distort'. That makes much more sense!" Amethyst replied, and Pearl facepalmed. You turned to Garnet, who was smiling widely.

"Why did you need to distract me?" You asked, crossing your arms in front of your chest and raising an eyebrow.

Garnet chuckled, separated your arms from one another, and took your hands to her waist. "It's a surprise, can't tell you just yet," she answered, kissing you on the cheek, which made you giggle, it was impossible to stay mad at her. She took your hand and led you into the temple.

"Pearl said this place was dangerous," you commented timidly, tightening your grip on her hand.

"She didn't want to ruin the surprise, is all," Garnet comforted you, kissing your head softly.

You looked around, it was like Garnet's room, but it felt different. "You changed something, what is it?"

"Look behind you."

There was a heart-shaped, king-size bed, decorated with candles and petals all around it. You looked back to the rest of the room, and you could feel the romantic environment. "Oh..." You looked at the bed again. "I thought you guys didn't need to sleep."

Garnet smiled mischievously, her face dangerously close to yours. "That's because we're not sleeping tonight," she responded, and you could swear your face had never been that red before. She giggled at your reaction. "I'll be gentle, that's what I can promise."

You averted your gaze, the conversation flustering you. "I was watching a mineral documentary once. There were these guys, and they were working on real burning garnet. One of them said, 'garnet is too hot to handle,' I never understood it until now," you said and looked back at Garnet, who looked at you with a surprised expression, clearly not expecting the mention. Quickly the surprise turned into amusement as she burst into laughter.

"I've never received such an original compliment," she answered between chuckles, making your heart flutter.

"I even got some knock-knock jokes, so believe me, you'll get fed up with these," you sighed, letting all the nerves out of your body, then a warm and reassuring smile covered your face. "Thank you for all of this."

She held your hands tightly. "It's such a pleasure to," she responded before kissing you, at the beginning slowly, as if you missed each other's lips, the speed then went up until it quickly turned into a make-out session. You didn't realize at first, but you were walking backward, and once you did, she pressed your back against the wall, her hands moving from your waist to both sides of your head.

"This is what you said on the beach about the ride?" You interrupted the kiss, your face flushed in red.

She looked at you stunned. "I can't believe you just interrupted a three-minute-long kiss just to ask that."

You looked away embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry... I-" you started, she interrupted you with a kiss on your cheek.

"If I told you, it would ruin the surprise now, wouldn't it?" She said, moving even closer to you, which made each second harder to breathe.

"W-was that a question?" You asked, shocked.

She giggled a little. "Don't worry, it was a rhetorical question," she continued from your jawline, leaving kisses all over, making you shiver from her touch.

"This is going to be the death of me," you murmured, not being able to speak any louder.

She didn't react to it, in fact, she only moved lower, reaching your neck instantly. She showered it with kisses as well. "I would, but don't worry, I won't leave a mark," she said, and it relieved you even if it was only a bit.

"Thank you, I think," you said, and you heard a quiet giggle escaping her lips. She continued kissing your neck, careful and gentle, and still driving you crazy. You breathed even harder, and gasps came out every now and then.

She reached your shirt and put her hands back on your waist. "This is rather inconvenient," she said, referring to the cloth. "I must get rid of it before it disturbs us any longer."

With a gentle but steady pull, she got the shirt out of the way, leaving you in a sports bra. "That's not fair," you said before she chuckled.

"Okay..." She shapeshifted into her usual self, this time with a similar sports bra matching her pants, and your cheeks turned bright pink. "I really don't like repeating myself, darling," she started, her voice the most seductive you had ever heard, but you didn't react to it. "But my eyes are up here."

Like a slap back to reality, you looked at her, the blush creeping up your face. "S-Sorry," you answered. She smiled, and you couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

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