What is it though

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A full week had passed since you last laid eyes on Garnet. You maintained contact with Steven, texting and calling him every now and then while Garnet remained elusive, she was busy any time you asked and didn't even send a single message. The situation was worrisome, even if you weren't sure what you could do about it.

Relaxing in your room, a book in hand and music playing through your headphones, you were immersed in your own world. The familiar tune of "Giant Woman" surrounded you, drowning out your phone's ringtone. The song ended and the next track wasn't any near as good, you intended to change it to the following when the phone's display lit up, revealing a barrage of 'missed call' notifications, all of them from Steven. It was evident that something important was going on, just as you were about to return his call, a text popped up in bold capital letters: 'LOOK OUT THE WINDOW', accompanied by a red bubble with the number 16, representing the previous missed calls.

Curious and slightly bewildered, you followed the instruction and walked over to the window. There, you spotted Garnet and Steven engaged in conversation on the porch. You opened the window, leaning out, and called down, "Guys? What on Earth are you both doing here?!"

"What about a simple 'nice to see you'? We're here to hang out with you!" Steven responded with equal volume.

"What?! You know my grandma won't approve that! I'm like a modern-day Rapunzel!" you continued, your hands cupping your mouth to amplify your voice.

"Then there's only one thing left to do," Garnet whispered to Steven in a tone too low for you to hear.

"Only because you said so," Steven replied in agreement, then proceeded to leap from the porch to your window.

"I should have expected that," you muttered in a mix of surprise and shock. Steven caught you securely, and with him, you made a surprisingly slow descent, allowing you to keep your eyes open.

"You can let go now," Steven instructed once you were both on solid ground, prompting you to retract your arms, making slightly embarrassed.

"Thank you, Steven. But I don't think my grandma-" your words trailed off when a light cough came from behind you. Your heart fluttered as you spun around and found the person you missed dearly—Garnet—standing before you with her hands confidently placed on her hips.

"I was hoping for a 'hello' at the very least," she quipped, and without hesitation, you rushed into her waiting arms. Wrapping your arms around her waist, she reciprocated by placing her hands on your back. You eventually moved your hands to cup her cheeks, pulling her in for a much-needed kiss, your lips finally reconnecting after the hiatus.

As you pulled away, shaking your head in disbelief, you exclaimed, "I'm the one who had to say hello?!" Garnet offered a tender smile, her hands now resting on your waist. "Steven can tell you how many times I tried to contact you! What happened?" you inquired, peppering her lips with another quick kiss.

"That's exactly why we're here. We want to show you 'what happened.' I've come up with a plan to convince your grandmother," Garnet revealed, her touch soft as she caressed your chin. "When did you become even more adorable, my love? You can't even begin to imagine how much I've missed you." She proceeded to place gentle kisses all over your face, triggering giggles from you. "Here's the idea."

The plan was simple, executing it? Depended pretty much on the luck you had. You and Steven headed inside towards the living room, where your grandmother was presumably stationed. "Hey, Granny?"

"Yes, sweetheart?" Her attention remained fixed on the television screen.

"Steven's here, and we've got something to ask you," you timidly broached, draping your arm around Steven's shoulders.

"We- um, I... want to take your granddaughter to the beach, the entire day. But! My dad is free today and he wants to meet up with you," Steven expressed with the most genuine smile.

"Oh, well... I guess it's a- tempting request. Sure, why not? My little baby must miss her friends after all. Be a dear and tell your dad he's free to visit whenever," she replied, her gaze still fixed on the TV. Although she didn't look at any of you, her tone suggested she was convinced.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" you gushed, running over to her and embracing her tightly. "I'll be back before dinner, I promise!"

Exiting the house, you and Steven exchanged a high-five before reuniting with Garnet. Her radiant smile indicated that her future vision had informed her of the plan's success. You clung to her in a tight embrace, your feet lifting from the ground. Garnet's hands found their place on your thighs, your legs encircling her waist, and your arms securing themselves around her neck. Amidst the surge of emotions, your lips united for a tender, sweet kiss. "Thank you for helping, Steven," Garnet expressed once you broke away from the kiss.

"No problemo," he replied with a grin. "You guys can head to the temple. I'll ask my dad to take me to Connie's," he turned to you, hugging you before repeating the action with Garnet.

"You're still my favorite human," Garnet whispered into Steven's ear, earning a giggle from him. They disengaged from the hug, and Steven waved goodbye to both of you before making his way to the car wash.

You playfully crossed your arms over your chest and feigned a pout. "I heard that."

Garnet's laughter resonated before she turned her gaze toward you, guiding your arms to her neck and unlocking her lips from your ear. "I'm sorry," she apologized, a teasing glint in her eyes.

"It's alright. He's my favorite human, too," you conceded, pecking her lips before offering her a warm smile.

Hand in hand, you and Garnet embarked on the walk to the temple, a warm flush lingering on your cheeks from the excitement. "I hope this surprise of yours justifies why you've been too busy to answer any of my calls," you remarked, your tone a touch playful.

"I already talked about it it to you. We've been working hard on it all week. We're still in the early stages, aiming for at least two more years to complete it. But so far, it's looking promising," Garnet responded, her gaze fixed on some distant point above. "I think you'll like it, and if not, I promise to answer your calls this time."

You chuckled, leaning slightly closer. "Well, if the mere mention of Greg can convince my grandma, I can easily sneak out anytime to see you. If only someone said that to me before," you confessed, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Garnet gazed at you with affection, her fingers caressing your chin as she kissed you briefly.

"You're just so irresistible, my love. If you'd let me, I'd kiss you all day long," she teased, granting you another quick peck before her hand migrated to your cheek. She traced the contour of your cheek with her thumb before withdrawing her hand.

The touch of her fingers against your skin left behind a rosy tint, and your cheeks flushed a brighter shade as you averted your gaze, suddenly shy. "I missed you," you admitted in a soft whisper.

Her lips curved into a loving smile as she removed her visors. "I missed you, too," her three-eyed gaze glowed in the sunlight, a breathtaking sight that you couldn't help but stare at. She had to snap you out of it when you finally broke your gaze.

"S-sorry... You're just so... stunning," you confessed, drawing a giggle from her. It was barely visible, but her cheeks were redder than the usual.

"It's alright," she responded, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.

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