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Little Homeschool was a fascinating project, to say the least. Garnet showed you all the plans, setups, and introduced you to the volunteers. It was all amazing. "Okay, I have to admit, it's kind of worth that you didn't answer my calls," you reluctantly admitted after finishing the tour.

She wrapped her arm around your shoulders with a happy smile. "Good enough for me," she said, playfully kissing your cheek, leaving a reddish hue behind.

"Why is Steven always hanging out with Connie when we need him?" Peridot asked as she approached Garnet without realizing you were there. "Wait... Why did your lips just touch that human's cheek?"

You were left shock by her questions before Garnet answered. "First, Steven can hang out with Connie whenever he feels like it. Second, because she is my girlfriend," she replied, placing a gentle kiss on your temple, causing your cheeks to turn even redder, much to Peridot's bewilderment.

"But that doesn't align with the definition of your fusion you gave me when we first met," Peridot countered, making you raise an eyebrow.

"People change, Peridot," Garnet answered coldly, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Yeah... That's not the point. Can I have a greenhouse?" Peridot asked with stars in her eyes.

"Sure," Garnet replied with a smile before adjusting her shades. "Just make sure Steven's saliva doesn't come into contact with the plants."

"Understood! Nice meeting you, Garnet's new human girlfriend!" Peridot declared cheerfully before walking away with a squeal, clearly excited about her new project.

"Is she one of the gems that randomly appeared on the warp pad last week?" you asked, still not letting go of Garnet's grip.

"Not randomly, but yes. She's Peridot, and the other one's name is Lapis Lazuli. They were looking for Steven specifically for this project," Garnet explained, looking at you. "Ignore what Peridot said, I love you, truly. Ruby and Sapphire do too. Don't ever doubt that," she assured you, cupping your chin before sharing a loving and sweet kiss.

"I love you too, Garnet." You embraced her around the waist, and she reciprocated the gesture.

With the project presentation concluded, the gems continued working a bit without Garnet. You two strolled down to the beach. This time, when she shape-shifted, you couldn't help but notice. She was wearing a bikini instead of her usual beach suit, a tight and alluring one. Your gaze was locked on her for a moment. "You're staring," she teased, and you quickly averted your gaze.

"S-Sorry," you mumbled, turning away to leave you into your sports bra and swimming trunks, you learnt to were those all the time just in case, and they were so comfortable.

Before you could react, a pair strong arms lifted you into the air. "We're heading to the beach, I'm looking great, you're staring, and I've informed you. It's the same all over again. Now, it's time to follow the tradition and let me carry you there," Garnet declared, kissing your lips playfully, leaving you flustered.

Follow the tradition? If that meant standing on the sand, that'd be correct. But instead, she carried you into the water with her. "Hey, wait! I didn't even put sunscreen on!" you protested, not daring to get out of her grasp.

"You'll do it later, don't worry," Garnet replied, unfazed. The water was already up to her waist when she slowly released you.

"Why did you bring us into the water when-?" you started to ask, but she cut you off with an eager kiss. You automatically took your hands to her neck as she did to your waist.

And there you were, passionately making out in the middle of the sea. The kiss lasted for minutes, and when you finally pulled away, a string of saliva still connected your lips. "I'm sorry, I really wanted to do that," Garnet confessed before planting a quick peck on your lips.

You were momentarily speechless. Embracing her, you buried your face in her chest, your heart overwhelmed with the joy of being with her again. "It's only been a week, and I can't even describe how much I missed you. And now you expect me to survive a whole year without you?"

Garnet tenderly ruffled your hair before planting a soft kiss on it. "I'll come visit you then."

"No. My family would freak out if they found out my girlfriend is an alien. My friends too. My grandma's eyesight isn't great, so that's not a problem. But you need to stay here and work on Little Homeschool. What you can do is answer my calls, please," you pleaded, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Aw, c'mon. I want to meet them all. Please, let me visit you on your birthday, or Christmas, or Halloween. I don't care, please. I'll shapeshift," Garnet continued, peppering your face with small pleading kisses.

"No, you're not shapeshifting. You look too perfect for me to let you do that. I'll come back next summer, I promise," you assured her, sharing a soft kiss. Your arms remained wrapped around her neck.

"I love you," she said before capturing your lips once again.

"I love you too. And I will find a way to sneak out to see you more often."

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