This goes against my principals

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You were having breakfast with Steven when the temple door swung open, drawing your attention away from the table. Your heart leapt with anticipation, hoping to see Garnet walking through, ready to engage in a conversation after the revelations shared by Steven. However, it was Amethyst who entered the room.

"Ooh, can I have some of that too?" Amethyst's eyes lit up as she pointed at the waffles on the table.

"Here, knock yourself out," you offered, pushing your plate toward her. "I'm not really hungry anymore," you said, your appetite diminished by a swirl of emotions. You excused yourself and made your way upstairs to Steven's room, seeking solace and a moment to collect your thoughts.

"What's with her being all sad like that?" Amethyst asked Steven, her voice muffled as she devoured the waffles, greedily claiming both sustenance and plate.

"Just some inconveniences, really," Steven replied casually. His attention soon shifted, and he grew curious. "By the way, have you seen Garnet today?"

Amethyst raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk playing at her lips. "Didn't Pearl tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Steven's confusion was palpable.

"Garnet unfused. Ruby and Sapphire had a fight and warped away to resolve it without disturbing us. But don't worry, they fixed it, and Garnet is back. Although, she's still in that weird place, probably resting from the conflict, at least that's what Pearl said," Amethyst explained matter-of-factly, as if the information was common knowledge. Steven's expression twisted into a mix of curiosity and concern.

"How does Pearl know all that?" he asked, puzzled by the details.

Amethyst scratched the back of her neck, searching for an explanation. "Eh... Garnet told her, and then Pearl went to check on her. I dunno, just go ask Pearl, she's in her room," she suggested, and Steven nodded in agreement.

"Okay, thanks." Steven placed the plates in the sink and swiftly made his way upstairs to find you, his mind consumed by the need to comfort and support you.

"I know where Garnet is!" Steven burst into the room, excitement evident in his voice. You quickly paused the video game you were playing, giving him your undivided attention. "If you didn't believe me before, what if I told you she unfused and had a fight with herself because of you?" Steven's words hung in the air, a feeling of surprise washing over you.

"Wait, really?!" You stared at him, wide-eyed, the realization sinking in.

"Yeah, but don't worry, everything is settled now. She'll come back in no time. We just need to talk to Pearl to confirm," he reassured, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. Tears welled up in your eyes, a mix of joy and relief washing over you. You both made your way to Pearl's room.

"Oh, she's on the lighthouse hill, taking in the view, barely even far away from here," Pearl answered to your question. You both let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, Steven," you said, ready to spring into action. However, Steven hesitated, refusing to move along with you.

"I'm sorry, but this is something you need to talk to her about on your own," he insisted, his eyes filled with understanding. You nodded, appreciating his support and recognizing the significance of confronting your feelings head-on.

"Okay... Thank you." You wrapped your arms around him in a tight embrace, expressing your gratitude for his unwavering support. Then, you turned to Pearl and offered her a heartfelt hug as well.

Leaving the temple behind, you set off, a rush of anticipation propelling you forward. Running outside, you scanned the hillside, searching for Garnet's familiar form. Spotting her lying on the grass, you approached cautiously, a mix of nervousness and hope filling your chest.

"Garnet?" you called out softly as you neared her. She hummed in acknowledgment and you walked closer to her.

"I'm sorry," you confessed sincerely, your voice laced with regret.

Garnet glanced at you, her eyes revealing a glimmer of understanding. Slowly, she reached out and tapped the spot next to her, silently inviting you to join her. "I don't see why," she finally replied, her voice filled with a mix of tenderness and reassurance.

"I've been too forward. Always pushing my emotions onto you. I understand if you weren't ready," you explained, your words pouring forth with honesty and vulnerability. The emotions swirling within you threatened to overflow, but you fought to keep them in check.

Garnet glanced at you, her gaze penetrating. Her hand gently cupped your cheek, her touch both soothing and electrifying. Your cheeks flushed at her tender gesture, the heat of the moment enveloping you. She looked into your eyes, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"I wasn't as honest as I should have been," she admitted, releasing a heavy sigh. "The truth is something that challenges my principles," she continued, her eyes locking with yours, momentarily leaving you speechless.

"I just want to know if..." you began, your voice barely above a whisper, your heart pounding with anticipation. But before you could finish, Garnet interrupted, her finger gently pressing against your lips.

"If I truly felt something or if it was just teasing," she finished the sentence for you, her words carrying a mixture of tenderness and longing. Your blush deepened, your heart skipping a beat at the revelation.

"H-how did the argument end?" you asked, your voice quivering with curiosity and anticipation.

"They both want the same. Each other, and... well, you," she revealed, a soft smile gracing her lips. Your eyes sparkled with a mix of astonishment and joy, unable to believe the depth of her feelings. Garnet chuckled softly, her amusement a balm to your heart. You couldn't help but touch your flushed face, the heat radiating from your cheeks.

Garnet gently took your hands in hers, intertwining your fingers. "I want to kiss you," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. Her chuckle grew warmer, filled with tenderness.

"Only because it's you who asked," Garnet replied, her voice filled with affectionate playfulness. With that, her lips, beautiful and inviting, met yours in a tender, loving kiss. Time seemed to stand still as your bodies leaned into each other, deepening the connection.

In that precious moment, everything felt right. The soft touch of her lips against yours sent shivers down your spine, and the warmth of her embrace enveloped you in a sense of belonging. Neither of you rushed the kiss, savoring the sweetness and intimacy of the shared moment.

Eventually, the need for air broke the enchanting spell, and you both leaned back, your cheeks flushed with a mixture of passion and joy as Garnet's smile mirrored your own.

"I've been waiting to do that for so long," she admitted, her voice filled with a mix of tenderness and desire. The realization that your feelings were reciprocated filled you with an overwhelming sense of happiness and relief.

Garnet released your hands, shifting her grip to lift you effortlessly into her arms. Her strength and gentleness were evident as she cradled you. "And I'm telling Steven first," she declared playfully, a hint of mischief in her voice. Laughter bubbled up from within you as you reveled in the joyous moment.

"Not fair! He was my wingman!" you protested playfully, enjoying the light-hearted banter.

"We all know that's not true. He was mine first," Garnet teased, her tone filled with affection as she continued to carry you in her arms.

"Man... I could stay like this for the rest of my life. I've missed being carried," you admitted with a contented smile, feeling safe and cherished in Garnet's embrace.

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