Mom knows

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Garnet ran her fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp with care as she lathered shampoo through every strand. Your back against her chest, you were seated in her lap with your hands resting on her legs, savoring the intimate moment. Both of you wore warm smiles, your faces glowing with affection. Just as the tranquility settled in, your phone's ringtone shattered the peace... Once again. And you didn't need to guess who was calling.

"I don't understand why you bring the phone to the bathroom," Garnet remarked, unwilling to let go as you reached for the phone on the sink.

"I'm addicted, what can I say?" you replied before answering the call.

"Okay, but there's also a silent mode and-" Garnet started, but you interrupted her with a hand gesture.

"Hey, mom, I'm in the shower, so this is not the best moment to-" you said, your voice noticeably tired before she interrupted you. Suddenly, your eyes widened. "Wh-what?! Grandma told you?! No, no, I swear I was about to tell you," "Tomorrow..." "Okay, but it's not that big of a-" "What if she's British? She's not even British, she's lived in America her whole life-" "I don't know, it might've been their friends." "Who cares if she was British too? That's just a coincidence. I'm into the cockney accent, that's all." "Uh... 25," "Mom! Don't say that, she's right next to me-" "Of course she is, she's-" "Oh my stars, mom, it's just a shower!" "I'm really not going to talk about that right now, so call me later-" "No, you can't talk to her," "Because... Because that's for another moment! You'll make her anxious, I'm sure," "Mom! I'm 18-" "She's my girlfriend, not a bottle of beer," "Okay, you know what?! Goodbye, talk to you later." You finally hung up, ending the uncomfortable conversation. Garnet looked at you with amusement.

"What?" you huffed, annoyed, and she giggled.

"Don't be like that. I'm sure your mother is just as sweet as you," she said, taking your phone away and caressing your cheek.

You averted your gaze, your face gaining a tinge of color at her touch. "She is..." you mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

She resumed running her hands through your hair, rinsing off the shampoo gently. "You didn't tell me that I was 25 years old now," she whispered teasingly in your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine.

"What was I supposed to tell her? That you were 5750 years old? Is that even your age? Because that's the first time Ruby and Sapphire fused, but shouldn't your age be the sum of theirs? How old even are they?" you replied, and she chuckled before kissing your forehead.

"That's why we don't have an age. We don't really age, actually." She paused for a moment, contemplating her words. "You chose to lie, so you should've said I was around 20, not 25. I recall the age gap being a big deal among humans."

"It is, that's why she called you a pedoph- You know what? I'm not finishing that sentence. No one really cares anyway," You replied, her hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer to her.

"I guess you're right. No one actually cares," her lips, soft and luscious, perfectly complemented yours in a passionate, loving kiss. It didn't remain gentle for long. After a few seconds, you found yourself pulling her closer, your arms wrapping around her neck as hers held your waist firmly. Your tongues engaged in a passionate dance, as if your lives depended on it.

"Looks like we're in for some fun," Garnet broke the kiss momentarily, her lips still dangerously close to yours, her words sending a thrill through your body. She leaned forward, causing you to fall onto your back, your head almost reaching the water. But a hand caught your back, preventing you from submerging, while another rested on the back of your neck. At first, it seemed like you had control, being seated on her lap, but, as it always is, Garnet held the power, if she withdrew her hands, you would plunge into the water. Your lips found their way back together, and your hands began to explore her body, reaching her waist.

"This is just what my mom warned me about," you said between breaths, a playful grin spreading across Garnet's face.

"You knew it would end up like this sooner or later," she held you tighter, deepening the kiss.

Until you both ran out of breath, your faces flushed from the intensity. "Maybe I did. But this isn't the most comfortable place to." you trailed off, tracing a finger along her collarbone seductively. "I think waiting for nighttime is worth it."

She smiled mischievously at you and placed you back in your normal position. You cupped her cheeks with your hands and initiated a kiss that lasted far longer than a mere couple of seconds. "If that's what you want..."

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