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As you walked hand in hand with Garnet, you couldn't help but notice that people didn't seem to pay much attention to you, which was rather surprising.

Beach City, or perhaps it should be called "Acceptance City," seemed to be the perfect place for the two of you, and everything felt just right, including the scrumptious ice cream you were sharing.

"Did you really ordered a Cookie Cat?" you asked, sounding incredulous, which was weird considering all that you learned during the whole summer.

"I still don't understand what's wrong with it," she answered taking a bite.

"I mean... It's a bit childish, isn't it?" You continued before taking a sip of your milkshake.

She giggled before answering. "This used to be Steven's favorite. It's special to me," she took another gentle, don't even know how but perfect bite.

You smiled warmly at her answer. "Everything with you... It's always so wholesome," your cheeks tinted pink, you felt how she reached out to grab your hand.

"I'm going to miss you," she said, then kissed your knuckles softly. "So bad."

– Well, it's really hard to say this, but thank you all for being here with me during this whole time... I'll really miss this... I'll try to come back next summer.

It was 7 am in the morning. "I don't understand why you have got to leave so soon," her touch was soothing, making you feel even more guilty.

"I already said goodbye to everyone yesterday... It- it wasn't that hard..." You stammered, tears muddling your words. "Why is it this so hard?"

Her embrace provided comfort, taking you to a serene place, much like her. The bus stop was deserted, affording you the privacy you both needed.

"Don't forget about me," Garnet whispered, her last words lingering as she kissed your forehead one final time, then let go of your hand...

It was just you, alone, standing there with a couple of suitcases and a backpack, the bus as empty as you expected. You'd done this so many times before, so why did it hurt that much then? It hadn't hurt like that the last time.

Would it hurt as much the next year?

Would there even be a next year?

Truth is, 5 years had passed and you didn't hear of Garnet again.


Heyyyy, ty sm for reading! This story is really special to me.

Aaaaand, I already published the sequel. (Check the comments)

Okay, bye fr now, and thank you so so so so much for reading this story!

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