There's no need to read this

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As you probably have guessed already, this is a mere sexual chapter, if you don't feel comfortable with this kind of content, you're welcome to skip it as you won't be loosing any key information to the plot. Now, let's continue.


A mysterious smirk adorned Garnet's lips, one that you couldn't decipher, but one that stopped being a concern once she took her hands to your hips and kissed you deeply, guiding you to the side until your thighs touched the bed's edge. "I'm seeing so many possibilities for tonight," she whispered, dangerously close to your lips. "I want to try all of them."

Feeling the edge of the bed against your thighs turned into the sensation of the mattress against your back as she gently pushed you onto it, then climbing on top of you. "I always knew you were a top," you said in a teasing voice, as she positioned her knee between your legs.

"It wasn't so hard to guess," she replied, kissing you again, her hands resting on either sides of your head. "There's still too much fabric on your body for my liking. It's making me incredibly jealous." Her voice carried such a seductive tone, it sent shivers down your spine.

Your hands instinctively moved to your hips, grabbed hold of your shorts, and pulled them off. Garnet broke the kiss momentarily, noticing what you were doing, and she eagerly helped you with the task. "This is going to be the death of me."

Garnet chuckled at your words. "Oh, believe me, I'm going to make sure it's the best experience you've ever had." She started kissing your stomach area, her lips leaving a trail of desire. "I hope you have your throat ready for all the work it's going to do."

And oh, you could feel her lips reaching a rather low area. "Why do get to keep your trousers on?"

Garnet smiled mischievously, "Oh, sorry. My bad," she shapeshifted once again, this time her sports bra turning into a lace bra, matching her now visible panties. You noticed her shape changed too, her chest and waist were much more realistic, and voluminous, and the transition between it was much more human-likely, showing the abs that she had and who the heck turned on the thermostat???

"If you ask me to look up at you again, believe me, it's not happening," you said as you didn't separate your gaze from her new clothing.

She laughed at your comment and continued kissing your stomach area.
"This is definitely better than before, but there's still fabric, I'm not liking that," she started going up with the kisses, reaching your sports bra and kissing it's sorroundings.

Gasps were more frequent with each passing second, and your heart pounded so fast that Garnet could feel its palpitations under her soft lips. "This is too much," you whispered, your voice trembling.

"I agree, that is too much clothing for your beautiful body. Let me help you," she moved her hands to your top, her fingers gently sliding along the fabric. "I've been searching for a treasure for a while now, and I'm glad it's your chest that I'm exploring this time."

Of course, she couldn't resist throwing in a playful pick-up line in the midst of it all, and you couldn't help but love it with all your heart. You felt the fabric sliding up your neck, then off your body, as Garnet courteously left your bust naked. She then took her hands to each one of your breast, moving in circles her palms as she bent over to your lips, and kissed them without her hands leaving its place. You moved your arms, hesitantly but eagerly, as you found the bra extender on Garnet's back. Your heart was pounding with anticipation as you gathered the courage to speak. "I hope you're ready for a conversation, 'cause there's something I've been waiting to get off your chest."

Garnet's eyes widened in surprise, clearly not expecting you to return the teasing. A warm giggle escaped her lips as she assisted you in removing her lingerie. As her bra came off, you couldn't help but be captivated by her beautiful form. "I'll let you stare this time," she teased, her hands gently guiding yours toward her breasts. "In fact... Do whatever you please with them."

The combination of her seductive tone and the sight before you left you momentarily flustered. You gathered your courage once more, running your hands softly over her chest. Her approving smile and the way her breath hitched spurred you on. You leaned in to kiss her passionately, losing yourself in the electrifying connection between your lips. "This is the best day of my life," you murmured.

You could feel her grin against your lips, and it made your heart melt completely. You had your arms wrapped her neck, pulling her closer to you, as you noticed her hands situating on your waist, her fingers playing with the last piece of cotton fabric in your body. "Oh, believe me. It just started." She finally said, after several seconds of rubbing the area with her fingertips, pulled off your knickers, revealing the area she's been longing to have fun with.

She laid you back on bed, putting herself on top of you once again. "Please tell me I won't regret this," you mumbled as you saw her head moving down your body, then stoped dead.

"I... I could check the future if you'd like," she reassured you, clearly concerned.

You tilted your head, then nodded, just by curiosity. "Oh... Okay."

She did, a grin quickly came back to her face, then as fast went away, even more worry than before decorating it. "Uh... Yeah. No, you won't definitely regret it, don't worry," she answered, trying to hide it with a smile.

Your brows furrowed at the commotion. "Is... Everything okay?"

"Oh, yes. Uh, just... Stuff, but don't worry, we can solve that in the morning," she threw herself to your arms, and continued kissing you. It didn't make a change on your expression though. She didn't have a choice but to find something to distract you. Garnet took your hands to her hips, and helped you get her panties off. Again, the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen, and couldn't quite figure how she was so good at imitating human anatomy on her body.

"Wow..." You murmured underneath your breath, but she heard it and slightly chuckled.

"C'mon, let's make this a night to remember," she leaned to kiss you as passionately again, getting both of you underneath the blanket.

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