Will this be our last breakfast?

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Steven had already explained to you that gems didn't need to eat, but that didn't mean they didn't enjoy it sometimes. As you had come to understand during the days of living in the temple, Amethyst ate all the time, Garnet enjoyed eating occasionally, and Pearl outright despised it. Luckily, Pearl and Amethyst were engrossed in some nonsensical argument elsewhere, leaving the beach house just for you and Garnet. That morning, you were preparing the final breakfast you would share together before Steven's return and your grandma's recovery. What were you making? Pancakes, of course.

"I could lend you a hand," Garnet approached you from behind, wrapping her arms around your waist and planting a gentle kiss on your head as you finished cooking.

"It's okay, I'm almost done here," you said, flipping the last pancake onto the stack and turning to face her. "Do you want anything? Syrup? Chocolate?"

"I'll have whatever you do," she answered with a wide grin, and you set her plate with the same.

"Kay," you picked up the plates, and Garnet's arms left your waist to help you take them to the table. "Not to brag, but it smells amazing."

She chuckled a little. "It sure does." Before you knew it, she had set the table with an elegance that matched the ambiance of the beach house, making it feel like a proper restaurant.

The setting was romantic, beautiful, and perfect, much like Garnet herself. The pancakes turned out to be the best you'd ever made, and she seemed to agree, unable to hide her wide grin after taking the first bite. "They taste good, but nothing compared to how you taste." Your playful comment caught her off guard, her face turning bright red before she burst into laughter.

"Oh my stars, don't say that when Steven's here, I beg you," she managed to say through her laughter. You joined in, though you also tried to focus on eating.

"I won't, but... It's true, these pancakes do fill my appetite better though," you said with a smile, taking another bite.

Garnet's hand found yours under the table, and her soothing fingers caressed yours gently, sending a tingle of electricity up your arm.

"I'm sure it's true, at least it is for me," she replied, also taking another bite of her food. Her loving eyes met yours, and even though you couldn't see them fully behind her shades, you could sense the affection.

You were still basking in the glow of the moment when Garnet had confessed those special three words to you, a memory that had been etched in a special place in your heart since it had happened on the beach. The argument from earlier that morning, which you hadn't yet resolved, felt distant as you reveled in the happiness of the present.

Suddenly, her expression shifted, her loving eyes replaced by a hint of worry. "Darling, this was a lovely breakfast, it truly was, but it's time to move on," she said, getting up and swiftly tidying the room.

You were taken aback by the sudden shift, your words caught in your throat. Garnet had finished cleaning before you could even react, leaving you feeling a bit disoriented. Then, with a cheerful entrance, Steven walked through the door.

"Hey, guys!" He rushed over to you with his hamburger backpack slung over his shoulder. "The sleepover was awesome! Did I miss anything important?" His genuine smile lit up the room.

Glancing between Garnet and you, who were now seated on the couch, you realized the setting had changed again, and you hadn't even noticed. "Oh, well, she's moving out today. You're just in time to bid her farewell," Garnet replied, referring to you. Steven's eyes dimmed slightly and his smile curved the other way.

"Aw, that's too bad, but... Wait, does that mean your grandma is okay?" His concern for you was touching, and his smile regained its warmth.

"We could still use your help with that," Garnet said, prompting both of you to explain the plan to him.

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