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You sat on the couch, feeling the warmth of Garnet's embrace. Her legs were wrapped around your waist and her arms encircled your middle. She peppered your neck with tender kisses, filling you with a sense of bliss. Garnet paused them and began gently stroking your hair. "I wish I could read your beautiful mind," she said, planting a soft kiss on your temple.

"There's not much going on up there. It's more about what I'm feeling, and right now, what I'm feeling is truly beautiful," you replied, turning to face her. You sat on her lap, your hands finding their place around her neck while she rested hers on your waist. Your lips met in a soft, affectionate kiss, and a silly smile formed on your face.

"You're truly beautiful," she whispered, causing a slight blush to rise to your cheeks.

The magic of the moment was abruptly shattered by the ringing of your phone. "Mom?" you answered, surprised by the call. As you stood up and started pacing around the room, Garnet watched you intently.

"Honey, you didn't visit your grandma yesterday. She's really worried, you know?" your mother's voice came through the phone, and your expression darkened.

"I'm sorry! I was busy. I'll go right now," you replied, frustration evident in your voice. You searched for Steven, hoping he would accompany you, but then you remembered he was having a sleepover at Connie's house.

"If the problem is that Steven is not here, I could go with you instead," Garnet offered, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.

You looked at her and quickly shook your head. "No, absolutely not. It's better if you don't come," your expression turned serious. "My grandma would have a heart attack."

Garnet raised an eyebrow, clearly not understanding the full extent of the situation. After all, explaining human societal norms to the Gems went against everything they believed in.

"Okay... You perfectly know how Homeworld discriminated against fusions between different kinds of gems," you began, and Garnet nodded in acknowledgment. "Well, that discrimination extends to same-sex couples among humans too. You're a 'her,' I'm a 'her,' and my grandma won't understand that."

Garnet appeared thoughtful for a moment. "I'm not human. I don't have anything between my 'pants'. In fact, I don't even wear pants; this is my body," she remarked, pointing to her legs.

"True, you don't have human anatomy, but you use she/her pronouns, which categorizes you as a woman in terms of gender. And trust me, my grandma would rather see me dating a girl than dating an alien. Besides, you can create a... well, you know," you said, your cheeks reddening as Garnet let out a giggle.

"I suppose so, but it's not just about me. It's about who you are. Your grandma loves you, and she'll accept you," Garnet reassured you, caressing your cheek gently.

You were about to protest that she didn't know that for sure, but then you realized she actually did. "Are you saying I should tell her?" you asked, surprised.

Garnet nodded in response. "Maybe not today, but eventually, you should."

"How will she react?" you inquired anxiously.

"She will probably hate me, at least initially. She might say some hurtful things, like how I've confused you or how you only love me for my appearance. But eventually, she'll come around. And even if we were to break up, she would accept your future partners," Garnet explained, adjusting her shades slightly.

"B-Break up?" you exclaimed, placing your hands on hers.

"It's a possibility. I mean, I saw you about to yell at me earlier before you thought better of it. You're still young, with so much to experience and learn. I don't want you to miss out because of me," she paused for a moment, gently running her fingers through your hair. "I want you to live your life to the fullest, even if it means we're not together."

You shook your head, unable to believe what you were hearing. "Why would we break up?"

Garnet gazed ahead, her expression serious. "The most common path is one where summer ends, you return to Empire city, meet someone else, and never visit Beach City again."

Your eyes widened, and you instinctively wrapped your arms tightly around her. "Please, tell me you're joking."

Suddenly, her serious expression transformed into amusement, and she burst into laughter. "That was so worth it."

You looked at her with a mix of disbelief and annoyance. Your mouth hung open, and your eyes narrowed. "What?!" you exclaimed, but Garnet quickly soothed you with a calming hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We won't break up, I promise. I'll visit you often," she said, kissing your forehead to ease your agitation. Though her prank had shaken you, you realized she hadn't intended to hurt you.

"Hate is a strong word, but I can't help feeling it right now," you grumbled, crossing your arms in front of your chest and averting your gaze from hers.

"It is a strong word. Okay... let me explain," Garnet paused for a moment, cupping your chin and gently turning your face to meet hers. "Your grandma may not react well initially, but it will be worth it. Maybe not immediately, but you won't regret telling her that you're not interested in dating boys."

Still harboring some anger, you sighed and eventually relented, causing a smile to form on Garnet's face. "Oh my stars, you always know how to get what you want."

"Of course, I know a lot about everything," she replied confidently, her tone not cocky but self-assured, causing you to blush.

"Don't think it will be that easy to convince me next time," you muttered, still slightly annoyed.

"Oh, it definitely will," she declared, lifting you up in her arms and planting a soft kiss on your lips. You couldn't help but chuckle.

"Okay, let's visit grandma, I'll come out of the closet, she'll meet you, we'll talk, and then we can leave. It can't be that hard, right?" you listed, both of you crossing the threshold of the door.

"It won't be, I promise. Although, I suggest you explain it to her gradually," Garnet advised, her voice filled with reassurance. While you walked, you didn't notice it, as she was standing behind you, but her expression didn't show any confidence...

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