Let's enjoy

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Snuggling against Garnet's chest was probably the best way to wake up you've ever had. As you slowly opened your eyes, you felt a gem-sticking-out palm caressing softly your cheek. She had taken her visors off, and you were contemplating the three beautiful eyes that she had. "Good morning," she murmured softly to not startle you.

You stretched out a bit as you hummed tiredly. You yawned before answering as well, "Good morning." You opened your mouth again to talk, and before you could, she pecked your lips to hush you.

"I... I saw this conversation already with all its possible outcomes," and by the way she looked at you, you could feel that wasn't a good thing. "Before you say anything... Just know that I do care," she interlaced her fingers with yours as she looked at you deeply. "Please, remember this before the arguing begins. I don't want any shouting," she finished her sentence with a reassuring, yet cold, kiss on the forehead.

You nodded, still concerned about what she just said. "Did I- Do I really shout?"

She slightly tilted her head while studying your expression, then looked down. "Things might get... Complicated, to say the least. But I know your heart well, so I trust this will turn out just fine," a shy smile glowed on her face as she stopped talking.

You returned her smile, her words making you feel just enough better. "We really need to talk," you finally were able to say.

Garnet nodded, then sighed. "I know. Go on."

Your knuckles formed fists in your hands. "Steven returns home today, right?" She nodded again, you had to stop pausing your words and say what you needed to say. "We'll cure my grandma, and then I'll go live back with her," you continued, averting your gaze, just like Garnet did as well.

She answered with a cold "Yes."

You looked back at her. "And then, when summer ends, I'll return home," you said, and she nodded yet again.
"So, this might be our last day living together," you thought you made the point obvious already.

Before you could say anything else, you felt a pair of hands gripping onto you tightly, Garnet hidden in the crook of your neck. "I don't want it to," she said, the sound muffled against your skin.

"Me neither, but I lost so much time already, I came here to spend time with my grandma, I can't let her down," you responded, caressing her back.

"I know," she said softly.

You sighed yet again. "And when summer ends-" You started, and Garnet's grip tightened even more.

"I'll go visit you," she interrupted you. "I'll go visit you so often you'll feel I live in Empire City too."

You kissed her head. "You guys are busy with all the Little Homeschool thing, I won't let myself distract you, and I'll see you all next year anyway." You answered caressing her hair.

She shook her head, "I saw something else," she mumbled against your neck, her tone indicated that there was more to her behaving.

Your eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, wh-what did you see?"

"I saw you being unhappy, I saw you moving away, and I saw you meeting new... People," she replied, sadness painting her voice. "I understand that you aren't happy, I saw what you go through daily, but... Please, you've got a safe place here, Beach City has always helped you, please, don't forget it, and please, don't leave us," and your neck felt wet, her tears going down your skin as you held her tightly.

"I... I don't end up moving here?" You asked in a concerned tone. Garnet didn't move in the slightest, and you could hear her heavy breathing.

"I- I don't want to scare you," she managed to say. "It's too much... But please, this can be your home too, just promise you'll remember that," she grabbed your hands, as if begging you.

You looked down at her, confused, then dried her tears with your thumb. "O-Okay..." You tried to calm her down even though you weren't understanding a thing.

"Thank you..." She wrapped herself in your arms again, it took you a couple seconds to react and return it as well. Her touch was soft, but lacking her usual confidence. You could feel her fear in her words.

"When will Steven return home?" You asked, trying to change the subject.

"Before lunch," she sighed, leaving all the weight of the past conversation behind. "You'll go back to your grandma's house after this, so, let's try to spend our last day together well," Garnet held your hands and kissed each one of your knuckles gently as possible.

"Do you... Want to go to the beach again?" You asked, your eyes glowing with hope, and she couldn't hide her warm grin before kissing you sweetly on the lips.

After you both changed into your swimsuits, you walked hand in hand outside. Garnet looked at you, her face gleaming in happiness, "I thought I'd carry you there," she picked you up in her arms and kissed your jawline, which made you giggle as well as get your cheeks color.

"I'm clearly not complaining," you wrapped your arms around her neck, securing the stroll.

The water was crystal clear, and the waves moved quickly without any force, creating a really relaxing ambiance. "An almost as beautiful landscape as you, I couldn't have wished for more," Garnet said before getting you back to the ground, the warm and soothing sand beneath your feet.

"Wanna race?" You proposed teasingly, she showed a confident smile in response.

"Whoever loses has to... Do whatever the other says," she answered, and you raised your eyebrow in curiosity.

"It's on," and, as it was to guess, Garnet got inside the water first. You jumped on her back once you reached her.

"I won," she said in a teasing voice, which made you shiver, or maybe it was the cold water around you both.

You chuckled and kissed her cheek, your arms wrapped around her neck, and your hands meeting in her chest, while your legs surrounded her waist, and your knees surely wouldn't move down, her hips blocking it. "Okay. What do I have to do?" You asked in a soft, sweet and amused voice. You felt her hands caressing your own.

"You... Have to tell me you love me," she replied, and you could feel the rise of temperature in her skin.

You were taken aback at first, surprised by her words, then after thinking thoroughly, accepted. Your breathing got heavy as your chest weighted. "I love you, Garnet. I truly do," and even with the nerves, you managed to get it out in the softest and most genuine way possible. You moved to face her and caressed her cheek.

Garnet was wearing a warm smile that perfectly mirrored yours. "I love you too," she took her hands to your cheeks and pulled you in for a gentle kiss that just managed to give you goosebumps, it was magical, it was special, and it was yours and yours only.

After some seconds, she pulled away from the heart-melting kiss and took off her shades to contemplate you. "My love," she whispered in the softest voice you've ever heard, then caressed your ear softly. Of course, the skin on your face turned red immediately.

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