I'll try my best

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The walk to the hospital was... Awkward, to say the least. Garnet was the one holding your hand, you didn't squeeze back, nor did you move it away, you were too occupied thinking about the future. Granny will be okay, you'll live together again, then... What? That's it? You're going home? What about Garnet? Would you be able to see her? Maybe grandma wants you to spend all your time with her... There's only one month left until summer vacations end... Then what? You'll go back home, then return next summer? What could happen in a year? Would you fall in love again? Would Garnet fall in love again? A year's too much time, and thinking too much is also too much time spent, as once you realized it, you two were before hospital door were Steven was waiting for you both. "I- I hope everything sorted out..." He murmured timidly.

"Yes," you answered coldly. "Let's get inside," you walked in, regardless of the fact that Garnet was still holding your hand, pulling her alongside you, Steven quickly following.

Upon entering your grandmother's room and seeing her frail appearance, guilt tugged at your heartstrings. "Dear..." Her voice was weak, a mere whisper. "You've come to visit at last... I missed you."

A solitary tear trickled down your cheek. "Grandma... I'm taking you out of here." You tapped Steven on the shoulder, and he stepped closer to the bedside.

"Take me out of here? How?" She inquired, watching as Steven licked his hand.

"This might be a bit weird, but it works really well," Steven explained, placing his wet hand gently on your grandma's forehead. The ensuing sparkles were nothing short of magical, her face regaining color as her eyes widened..

"I... I don't feel bad anymore," she marveled, her fingers gingerly touching her face in disbelief. "What just happened?"

"A magical trick we know," Garnet answered for you with a smile, you still were... Confronted, your cheeks turned against you as pink invaded them.

"Well, if these two aren't the nicest! So much better than those friends of yours back in Empire City," she answered you, "I've never seen any more fake people, I'm glad my baby is finally making quality friends." You felt Garnet's hand soothing your shoulder softly as you looked down embarrassed. "I'm always telling you, once you finish school you should start college here! This is much more relaxing, don't you think?" Your grandmother pointed out.

"Y-yeah... Mom would be hard to convince though," you replied nervously, sensing Garnet's judgement through her shades as she stared at you.

"My daughter has always been such a sweet, yet difficult woman. I'm glad that father of yours at least gave you the patience you didn't heritage from you mother," she continued with a chuckle. "Oh, could you do this old lady a favor and call someone to alert that we're leaving?"

"Sure! I'll be right back," Steven responded with a smile and left in a flash.

You glanced between your grandma and Garnet. Nervous energy coursed through you. "Um, Grandma, could Garnet and Steven come with us? I could use help with the luggage," you ventured, a bit hesitantly, she smiled softly.

"Of course they can," she then looked at Garnet carefully, "What a beautiful girlfriend you've got... I'm guessing it's not the first one," she said, completely taking you by surprise.

"Wh- Pardon me?" You were taken aback.

"That friend of yours when you were younger... What was her name again? Ah, right, Sabina. You two were... Awkwardly close. I never thought of that, but now it makes sense. You never gave me an explanation of why the two of you stopped being friends after all," she replied, taking yet another glance at Garnet. "This one's my favorite this far, you look lovely together, and she's way prettier than that Sabina of yours. And she's taken such good care of my baby when I was ill."

Your face turned beet red as she unveiled the secret you had worked hard to hide. Garnet, too, appeared slightly uncomfortable as she smiled uneasily. "Thank you, Grandma," you stammered, convinced that Garnet was arching an eyebrow behind her visors, though you couldn't confirm.

Steven returned as fast as he left, "A doctor is coming to check on you and then we're good to go!"

Grandma and you were walking before Steven and Garnet, who were carrying all your luggage that wasn't much, but was heavy. Your arm wrapped around her shoulder, your grandma was telling you all the experiences she lived back in the hospital. "Oh, that nurse was magnificent! She's the only one I'll miss," she said as chuckling.

"You already have a plan?" Steven asked Garnet, they were far enough for you not to hear.

"Of course I do," she answered.

Your grandma's house wasn't far from the temple; it was near Funland, which made it convenient for the Gems to visit. Arriving home, Garnet and Steven helped you carry the luggage inside. "What a beautiful house," Garnet observed with a warm smile.

"Yeah! It's so big!" Steven followed with a huge grin.

"Thank you, guys," you answered with a similar smirk.

"Oh, sweethearts! Would you enjoy something to drink? That luggage was really heavy to carry," your grandma asked them.

"We're good, thank you!" Steven responded, still glowing with positivity.

"We've got a compromise, actually. We must leave now, it's been a pleasure," Garnet moved together her hands in front of her waist, a sign of gratitude.

"Oh, well, why doesn't Steven join me in the kitchen so he can take some cookies I made for his father? I'm sure you two want to say goodbye," she answered, taking her hand to Steven's shoulder.

"Thank you, Grandma," you echoed warmly, feeling Garnet's reassuring hand on your shoulder.

She pulled you into a warm hug once you were left alone. "I really want to talk... Please," she said as you were hiding her face on her shoulder.

"Alright, let's talk," you murmured, holding her waist tightly, her hand soothingly running through your hair.

"I'm sorry for poking into the future... I just was doing a check and I found you talking about that Sabina, I was curious and I couldn't help myself. I know I should've waited for you to be ready, and I'm sorry for not telling you right away. I want you to be happy, I swear, and I don't think our conversations are pointless, I think they're so beautiful," she kissed your head softly, then took off her visors. "I know you told me not to let your grandma see my eyes, I just want you to see I'm being honest," and she put them back as quick.

"Garnet... I- I didn't say our conversations were pointless. I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you feel bad, I know you were doing your best... It just caught me in the worst moment possible. I love you, Garnet. I really do, and I don't want to leave is behind just because of some natural causes that aren't even our fault. I want to stay by your side, and I will, I promise, I'll do whatever it takes to follow that path, I'm not throwing these beautiful months out the window," you cleaned her tears, falling outside her visors, with your thumb, then sealed your words with a heart-melting kiss.

Steven and Garnet left eventually, leaving you again alone with your grandma, just like when everything started. "What's the compromise you mentioned?" Steven asked while walking.

Garnet thought her words before answering, "Peridot and Lapis appeared on the warpad randomly yesterday. They were looking for you, you weren't there and I predict they'll appear again today in no time, let's get moving."

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