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"So, what is your dilect?


THE DOORS DINGED open before me, revealing the wide lobby that resembled the five-star hotels I used to visit whenever I accompanied Mom and Dad on state visits.

Well, that's if you added a touch of medieval to it.

More people were moving in and out of the large doors, whilst others made their way through the left and right halls that circled the reception area.

I noticed; however, no one was using the elevator I was in. No one was going up. The lobby just seemed to be some sort of intersection for the students. Either turn left or right.

Everyone was dressed in smart red uniforms, the girls in skirts and the guys in trousers. Each had a matching jacket that draped loosely around them, with a white shirt underneath. A red bow tie for girls, and a normal tie for boys.

I walked out of the elevator and stood idly, feeling more out of place than I had ever been in my life. Partly because I was on a freaking island I hardly expected to ever be on, amongst converts, and for the first time in my life, I was truly alone. I was used to feeling alone on the inside, but it was different when you could trap that feeling deep inside so nobody could tell, but here I was also physically alone. No servants, no bodyguards, no mom, no dad, just me.

Just me.

To make matters worse, I began to receive odd stares as people passed by me making me more than self-conscious of myself. The last thing I desired on this earth was attention. Being the heir to a country was the epitome of attention, but my parents had shielded me well enough from the public eye, sometimes I wondered if my people knew I did exist.

Looking down at my body I figured the stares came because of my white Armani gown now gorgeously stained brown in a few areas. I touched my wild hair realizing I probably looked like a wicked witch that fell from the sky after a broom malfunction, rather than the fallen angel I thought of earlier. Awkward was the best term to describe my current situation and embarrassing would be a close second.

My bare toes peeked out and I sighed. Make that a barefoot witch.

"Excuse me!"

My eyes snapped up to see a girl walking towards me with a package in hand. Her long blond hair bounced down her shoulders in wavy lengths, the red attire she was wearing snuggled warmly against her more than generous figure, her light green eyes peering at me inquisitively.

I unconsciously tugged my sleeve as she approached me, a half-smile on her face.

"Uhm, Talanda?" she asked giving off a rather readable look as she stared at me. The pronunciation of my name was way off, but I honestly didn't expect her to get it right, she was not of my tongue, she sounded for the most part American. She was bound to get it wrong.

I nodded tugging at my other sleeve, drowning in the habit. Her eyes traveled up and down my whole length yet again before looking up again and offering me another kind of smile.

"Yes, these are definitely for you," she zeroed in, handing me the brown package.

I glanced at the package questionably, feeling the roughness between my fingers. After falling from the sky, I was sure a bomb could be in there, waiting to finish me off. However, Gravis had informed me I was more than safe here, though it didn't stop me from looking back at her questionably.

"Well, go ahead," she urged.

Slowly, I opened the package and as luck would have had it, a pair of plain navy blue pumps.

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