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I needed to know the exact ties my father had to this place and where I fell in.


"KINGSLAND IS AN Academy created for converts, a space in which each can be themselves, adding a human to the equation is not ideal for an environment like Kingsland, and it is a risk neither I nor the King would ever make."

MISS AMIR'S WORDS echoed through my head, my thoughts fighting to piece that statement together.

Out of all the things she had said, that statement alone floated in my mind. I always dreamed of meeting Miss Akhana Amir though I never thought that I actually would, no matter how short the meeting had ended up being.

I had seen Miss Akhana Amir talk on Television many times and she never said something that was exactly straightforward as it had been intended.

I noticed that whatever phrases she chose to speak to whichever person always had a second meaning towards it.

Such were the ways of the wise and as Lira had said herself, the Prime Teacher for the Blues was Miss Amir, which made her the wisest woman in the world.

It hung like a fragrance around her.

Dad always encouraged me to listen to her interviews and meetings. Apart from Mom, he had praised her to be the smartest woman in the world and had prodded me to try and think like her as much as I could.

Of course, that was not easy to do, Miss Amir was naturally smart, and after all, it was her dilect.

It just seemed to me that there was something that she was trying to tell me without directly saying anything at all.

What did she mean by 'adding a human to the equation is not ideal for an environment like Kingsland, and it is a risk neither I nor the King would ever make,"?

But they did.

I mean I was here, me, a human amongst a sea of converts.

That would mean she was wrong about her statement and yet part of me prodded me to dig in further.

Why would Miss Amir even mention it if it was a wrong statement? The smartest woman in the world doesn't just make mistakes in a conversation so small.

"Your Father is the King of Kingsland princess, one does not gain a title and lead a people so great by being ordinary."

In that second, one of her statements echoed through my mind and my eyebrows furrowed.

How did my father gain the title of the King of Kingsland?

I had previously thought that he was probably around the brotherhood that had founded Kingsland after so many years, and till now that had made the most sense to me.

It should end here and yet I still felt like I was missing something, something that was laying right in the open but that I couldn't quite reach.

"You have a fire in you Talanda, see that it does not burn out,"

But what fire? I had no spark in me, I was just an ordinary scared little human.

What was she seeing in me that I couldn't see in myself? What did she, Mom, Dad, and Zali see in me that I just couldn't get myself to wrap my head around?

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